So now that Samurai Jack is getting an edgy continuation in Adult Swim, what other cartoons would you like to see get the edge-make?
I think Invader Zim, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Adventure Time and The Amazing World of Gumball could be nice but I'm afraid they could end up like that adult version of Ren and Stimpy
I'm so used to people saying the term edgy meaning bad around here idk if you're using the term correct or you don't care for the new Samurai Jack.
Lincoln Gomez
huh, just noticed the monkey snoot on the girl.
Bentley Campbell
I think Crossed needs an edgier reboot. It just doesn't go far enough!
Easton Howard
OP seems to completely miss the fucking point here. It's not "edgy" because there is blood and being edgy isn't the reason it exists. Stop being shallow.
So now that blood is allowed, is it going to be in gratuitous amounts, or will it actually be done well and still have robots with blood only appearing as needed, like if Jack gets a stab wound?
Hunter Cook
Gendy said it's not going to be gory
Blake Stewart
>slightly less sanitized action >edgy
I want you to know this (You) was earned with topicality, not wit.