Leftovers Thread

I can't stop thinking about S2. I think it really might be the best season of a television show ever.

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It's remarkable how they completely switched things up from season 1 to season 2. Felt like a different show.

it is great but third is better

The third was short, and not enough Kevin desu

still better

Too many niggers
S3 > S1 > S2


Best show of the decade.

It was a really good show overall.

What was the best episode of The Leftovers?
HARD MODE: No International Assassin

A Most Powerful Adversary

The Garveys at Their Best

The first Matt episode

Without it I'd have dropped the show but that one really picked my interest

>I think it really might be the best season of a television show ever.
Good show...but nope.

The Most Powerful Man in the World (and his Identical Twin Brother)

I Live Here Now (season 2 finale)

>four stars

what rank is that? fucking general of police?

he was the chief of police again in season 3

S3 was pretty forgettable and the finale may very well have ruined the show

Orange Sticker, the ending is probably the most cathartic thing i've seen on television, and it comes after an hour of Theroux's amazing ability to convey extreme despair.


Season 2 is literally perfect. The only mediocre episode was the meg episode

Anyone else disappointed that we never got to see sleepwalking Kevin? I know there was that scene where he stares down the girls before he jumps into the Lake, but it would have been so interesting to see what Kevin was like when he was unconscious.

Didn't like the laurie episode either

She got a better episode in Season 3 at least.

that reveal was so fucking great, biggest "...shit..." moment since L O S T