Give me rare akus

give me rare akus

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Here is my rarest Aku. In 1000 years he will become the shogun of sorrow over all the galaxy.
Feed him well.

>Based Gendy proving that Aku will remain the same old jokey villain but at the same time be more evil than he's ever been

Didn't he crush an entire army of tanks in the newest teaser?


A rare Aku wearing sparkly boots

INB4 Akoogly Eyes

Now this is a thread I could push to image limit by myself

Rare thumbs up Aku



>Rare Aku that simply desires to help society benefit from amazing technology, and must contend with a backwards Jack not appreciating the wonders


which issue was this one?

>rare loki aku

Where is that from

>there are people ITT who haven't read the Action Pack short stories



It's from the same teaser as the Scotsman

what teaser of the scotsman??













We fanart thread now I guess


Aku is very evil. Scary.


But he is also very cute. Hilarious

rare under the spoiler



What were these from?


tfw can't find any aku x lord dominator

>expiry: End of Time

I was going to say underage detected but realized there are 18 year olds who were born in 1999.
Fuck I'm old.

Cartoon Orbit

Theory: Aku is not actually affected by Jack's shitty sword at all. During every confrontation with Jack, he simply plays along because of his his infinite lifespan and infinitely greater boredom

Lord Dominator is his daughter obviously

even better

That's retarded.

>implying her panties aren't Aku



Is it really? Think back to all the times Aku has messed with Jack for the sole reason that he's bored. The time he agreed to fight him on equal terms in Human Form? The time he transformed into a hot woman and seduced Jack for the express purpose of snatching away a portal when he could have easily done it without going through all that trouble? An all-powerful and immortal being could kill one puny human without a thought, but what fun would that be?

Jack's dad.



Well, thats AAA (An Autist Aku)

>tfw killing aku means messing up the time

>you will never be brainwashed by the evil that is Aku in hat form
why live

Aku's strength was always how easily he slid between goofy comic villain and legitimately creepy and unsettling evil maniac.

I thought I had the YOU WILL DIE ALONE one, but I don't.

it's not a rare tho

Oh that really old card game which CN hosted.. it had tokens and everything.

Is it still online? Can you get rich off of it just like bitcoin?

fuck I read that in his voice


A+ user



Those are actually really good points. I've always wondered why Aku, the physical embodiment of evil, didn't just use his dark powers to crush Jack.

That and Jack actually can beat Aku in a straight fight. In fact most of the times the two meet Aku is sent packing.
Jack is the one person that can defeat Aku wielding the one weapon that can hurt him. And for all his might Aku does not seem to be omniscient.

All of those points don't mean that Aku isn't actually harmed by the sword.
The entire reason Aku gives a shit is because the sword not only hurts, but is capable of killing him.

In season 5 Jack doesn't have his sword, which makes me think either
>It's broken
>Jack somehow became unworthy of using it
>Aku took it and never gave it back

My bets are on the latter.
>Aku doesn't kill Jack because he wants Jack to suffer.
>To remove the risk of dying by Jack's sword, he steals the sword again.
>He actually gets tired of watching Jack lose his way and starts getting bored by killing in general, since it's just not the same without a challenge.
>Aku keeps the sword like a trophy, and thinks no one will ever be able to take it.
Jack eventually gets his sword back, and Aku may very well be the one who gives it to him, on the condition that he stays in the future to play forever.

Those are also really good points. Shit man, I haven't seen the show in so long all my memories of it are just bits and pieces. I think I might just rewatch it just to prepare for the premiere.

Actually the sword has never demonstrated the ability to kill Aku. Merely seal him.

My guess: Jack will have to decide between staying and keeping Aku sealed or going back to the past


By that logic I guess you wouldn't know if falling into a woodchipper would kill you until you actually did it.

Pic related because you need it spelled out for you

And yet all Jack's dad could accomplish was sealing him.

You forget to take into consideration that he was an old king long past his prime, probably physically weakened by year of peaceful reign and Aku pretty much came out just as strong as he can be. All he could manage to do was seal him away hence why he sent his son to be trained all over the world by many martial art master so he'd be ready for anything. Well, anything except to be thrown into a portal in time before he could strike Aku a final time.

Jack's dad wasn't trained his entire life around the world for the sole purpose of destroying Aku, like said

Aku is the only person who thinks that "Neither [the emperor] nor the sword has the power" to slay him forever, and "neither does [Jack]" and this is the exact arrogance that's going to get him killed. He gets BTFO so hard so often by Jack because he underestimates his opponent; he always has and always will because he cannot comprehend the things that keep Jack going when all the odds are against him.

Aku doesn't understand emotional and moral duty to other people. Aku doesn't understand selflessness. When he thinks he's going to lose, or if he thinks a fight is pointless, he gives up and stops trying, because he has nothing worth dying for and never wants to risk getting killed, or worse, locked up in a tree for eternity. Nothing is worth more to Aku than his own life, even if safety can get boring; the second he takes it for granted, he's done.

At the end of the day, all Aku knows is pain, and trying to avoid it as much as possible. The sword is significant because it can inflict pain on Aku by burning him away until nothing is left.

As much as I love Aku and hope he lives, the ending will obviously be his destruction and there's no reasonable way of getting around that.



To be fair, how could anyone expect that?



>Samurais get out! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll trade you this rare Aku for 5 shirtless Samurai Jack


>Aku is mother
>Jack is father
>that one time when he shapeshifted into woman

Here, have the peace signs

Very nice

And if we're really going there with cosplays






so was aku going to fuck jack if he had made a move on him while he was in his girl form