How come it never gets talked about?

How come it never gets talked about?

Story and writing's okay, but I'm too /d/ to fap to it and that's most of the appeal of porn comics right there.

You can never be too /d/ user

couldn't disagree more. I love the fact that it's so not-/d/
i'm enjoying the hell out of it, even if I could go for smore loli and less gay, whatever. the art's lovely and the characters are super likeable.
it's just kinda slow so there's not much to say yet

Is there any other good comics like that?

Unironicallly that one Avla0nx Grojband comic

2 degenerate 4 me


>posts on Sup Forums

It gets too gay sometimes. Like gay sex.

still better than the prototype version
i just wish we could get porn in a more Blaster Nation style. all cute and cuddly

like what exactly?

not that guy but are there any other porn comics that dont get all gross but spend a lot of time focusing on happy things and innocent nudity

I feel like a porn comic that focuses on happy things and innocent nudity isn't really much of a Porn comic. sounds more like a regular comic with some nudity in it. and the only other porn comic I know of is Buttsmithy.

yeah but A) if it has full on sex showing the bits going in, but not in a fetishy over the top hardcore way, then that's definitely starting to count as porn, and B) if you're the slightest bit NSFW you disqualify yourself from so much advertisement and whatnot that economically you might as well go 'full porn' in ways that cater to deeper-pocketed clientele.

Because most fags on here got sick of it after a few faps, like all websomics.

iunno i really wanna see where their career takes them


This. It's hard to talk about a porn comic on an ostensibly SFW board.

how? fuck before the mods went crazy we used to have all kinds of nsfw discussions, the important thing is you keep it in text and carefully-cropped pictures. sadly we've turned into TVTropes thinking -words- can actually be nsfw

Sup Forums only talks about stuff he hates. That's why you don't get many Dr. McNinja threads either.

>implying there's more than 7 people who go to /aco/

It's a good comic

Meh, I still can't get into the characters

The mods go crazy every couple months

but the characters are certainly getting into each other


Look up Cheer by Forview

they could be better, for sure. quirkier.. but I like 'em okay.
maybe i'm just spoiled because I was so disappointed by the 'pilot' of this comic, before it got rebooted, and it's so much better now

fucking love that, and everything else view makes.

wew you made me google it and o i am laffin
thanks user

bubbah pls

It's well drawn and the characters are pretty interesting, but overall it's boring. The formula so far has been around 10 pages a month 4-5 pages of plot then 4-5 pages of porn. It's just not enough plot to keep interest and it's not enough porn to fap to. It's just trying to do too much and failing at everything.

I kinda liked the pilot better

I feel like the art has gotten somewhat worse recently.

If anybody's got all the patreon pinups somehow I'd save them, though.

>10 pages a month
what? it's been like half that.

i almost wish I knew this show now. this is good shit.

heatstroke isnt very sexy
i like the alien-tour-guy though. sort of. Something about him doesn't quite sit right with me, like he should be a bit more kooky

I was excited when I first started reading it.
After about the third "why not lets fuck!" I lost interest

Actually I thought it was the hottest scene yet
but seriously, it was pretty sexy

Has it really? It's seems like 2 pages a week. Although I don't really track it anymore so I could very well be wrong.

I'm not interested in reading about a self-insert fatty fucking his waifu girlfriend, and I'm especially not interested in watching a self-insert fatty do other stuff with his waifu.

three a week

What is this Pilot you speak of?

it feels like once a week
maybe it's because so little happens per page

the comic started out with a different artstyle, the girl had a half-shaved head and a beaky nose and the guy was ugly-ugly instead of just gritty biker ugly

Where is this version?

shruggles. maybe gone forever

Sadpanda has it.

You can also find it in slipshine collection torrents.

There's a fair few French comics that fit that description. I forget the name of it but there's one which is basically a western chibi styled one that is essentially just a slice of life comic about the exploits of two fuck buddies.

wew, i speak french and now i want names


From that description, I'm going to guess it's Arthur de Pins' Guilty Pleasures (Péchés mignons).