When we will finally get a realistic portrayal of Jesus in a movie?

When we will finally get a realistic portrayal of Jesus in a movie?

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jews don't look like that. they blackened him on purpose to be progressive


There were fuck Celts roaming around that area around that time.

he's the son of god he could have any appearance

and if you're gonna be a stickler for "realism" then whats even the point?

Realism is a meme.

The whole film is artificial, indented, like all other arts, to represent something beyond itself rather than be an experience in and of itself.

Only autists that can't differentiate signal and signaled demand realism in film, or anything for that matter.

This is why Jesus needs to be black

Exactly, Jesus was a fuck celt, basic history people.

So not only are you retarded, but you also feel the urge to inject your 8th grade tier conspiracies anywhere you can. Why listen to anthropologists and historians when we have ostracized retards on Sup Forums to educate us?

I'd like to see a movie about the early christians announcing Jesus of Nazareth as the messiah until someone points out to them the messiah was supposed to be bethlehemian so they had to make up the census that never happened.
Just a campy meta comedy about the early christians having to explain away all their erroors. from the director of in Bruges. Same actor too

Jesus was an Aryan from India


Andy Serkis?

The closest living relatives to Jesus today are Mizrahi Jews, that's pretty much how he'd look.

A realistic portrayal of Jesus would be him acting as a magician no?


That ""study"" was the most retarded thing I've seen since that one British documentary tried reconstructed a medieval British skull to be black because because it had possible "Spanish or North African DNA."

>Jesus came from a working class family so he was probably pretty built
Except by all accounts he was some dude who spent the bulk of his day preaching. He wasn't toiling in the sun building houses. And let's not forget a lot of his benefactors were rich women. We can assume he was relatively good looking and charming. Probably something like a Charles Manson from the Levant.
>He probably had his hair like this because of the Jewish societal norms
Except he obviously wasn't apart of the societal status quo, he was trying to bring that shit down. Not a lot of cult leaders dress like normal people. Not that there's much to gain over arguing over how Jesus wore his hair. Who the fuck knows.
>Here's a random skull of some Judean peasant, he can say there's a 101% chance he looked like this.
Straight up retarded

Also, just a side note, Lebanese people sometimes have blue eyes and blond hair. So its possible that he could have looked like 16th century Italian paintings. But who knows. Its not like they wrote a lot about what he looked like. Mostly because the Jesus movement was eschatological and pretty much sure that was going to be the last generation on Earth.

More like one of these loonies

>jews don't look like that.
seen israelites recently?

Isn't she a Samaritan?

das rite we wuz jesus n shieet

Samaritans are original Jews, everything else is bad fan fiction

Already exists. Based Mel gave it to us.

go take your facts and experts somewhere else you racists jewuz is white nigga

wasnt jesus described by everyone as beautiful? why would you make him as ugly as possible?

>christfag calling things retarded


Besides, it was a composite of what people in the region looked like. It's not like they found a skull with "JESUS" written on it.

The morons that keep bringing up this study are usually the same ones that feel the need to explain that Christmas used to be a pagan holiday. They are somehow under the impression that all christians believe that Jesus was a blonde and blue-eyed white man.

Jewish researchers said so. And they respect Jesus and have no reason to make him look ugly on purpose.

>That ""study"" was the most retarded thing I've seen since that one British documentary tried reconstructed a medieval British skull to be black because because it had possible "Spanish or North African DNA."

He hasn’t heard of moors

Jesus was a sandnigger.


lmao, sure thing mahmoud

he wasnt described PERIOD. He probably wasnt ugly because that would make it pretty hard to get a following.

That's 4th century headcanon
>The focus of many early sources was on Christ's physical unattractiveness rather than his beauty. The 2nd century anti-Christian philosopher Celsus wrote that Jesus was "ugly and small"[20] and similar descriptions are presented in a number of other sources as discussed extensively by Eisler,[21] who in turn often quotes from Dobschütz' monumental Christusbilder.[22] Tertullian states that Christ's outward form was despised, that he had an ignoble appearance and the slander he suffered proved the 'abject condition' of his body.[23] According to Irenaeus he was a weak and inglorious man[24] and in The Acts of Peter he is described as small and ugly to the ignorant.[21]:439 Andrew of Crete relates that Christ was bent or even crooked[21]:412 and in The Acts of John he is described as bald-headed and small with no good looks.[25]

the ones that werent black?


that pic doesn't look like the Aeon Logos to me, OP.

Jesus was never a physical being, he's an aeon of the macroverse.

This t b h. Why are people so gullible? You could just go to a library and get informed. The Internet made people even more retarded

>Jesus was a laser

who cares about what a kike on a stick looks like

stop following kike religions

oh so 2nd century headcanon is certainly more reliable?

Isrealies come from Europe, North Africa, and Ethiopia. Best sample would probably be the native people in the Levant
>b-but they are Arabs, ie from Arabia
Aside from the Americas where disease killed 90 - 98% of the inhabitants an invasion typically doesn't displace a people. Lebanese and Syrians aren't really Arabs they are Arabized people. The original invaders were something like 10,000 Arabs who were in charge of Spain, North Africa, Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia and Persia. There's no way in fuck they displaced all those people.

Samartians are really Jews in the way we think of Jews. And Jesus wouldn't have been Samaritan his family was from the exile.
Same god though I guess. And their religion represents a pre-Temple Judaism I think.

Moors? The Arabized Berbers from NORTH Africa?
Yeah, they weren't black. Thanks for playing though. Go to Libya, ad Tunisia tell me how many blacks you see.
Hell even try Morocco, which despite its name was never the power base of the Moors. Still, you wont find many blacks.

We already have. Pic related.

>jesus was a literal human being who was impregnated by god himself (meaning god is both male and ejaculates semen which human women can take to full term) and then dicked around for 30 years following a man who was not a demigod around like a lost puppy named John the Baptist and then traveled around for a bit healing people who would just get sick later and resurrecting about 3 people who would just die again later. He then said vague shit to his followers, opposed the money grubbing temple, was crucified for it and then about 70 years later people started to remember him again and got in trouble by not public ally worshiping the Roman gods.


Jesus was a concept special to the inner teachings of various Gnostic cults around the 1st Century which were opposed to the insane greed and parasitic behavior of the Jews and their temple. Their leader was John the Baptist who taught that a simple baptism was enough to fulfill all the temple rights to God (not a man with a penis but a being beyond conception) as the original purpose of the temple, as well as the original Torah was systemically corrupted by greedy men. Logos is the final aeon given to humanity to help him realize himself and escape the evils of materiality. The god that Jews of the time worshiped was actually the demiurge, a mistake or maelstrom from which Adamas has been split into infinite parts (individual people) and with the help of Sophia, Zoe (life) and Logos (word-concept) may transmigrate back to the macrocosm.

>realistic portrayal of Jesus
So, a movie where St. Peter turns up in Rome with a fantastical story he made up so he could start a cult, then he gets crucified upside down?

Joaquin Phoenix is portraying him in a couple of years, with Rooney Mara as Mary Magdalene

It's about 2 centuries more reliable

>I've seen Jesus glitter in the dark near the demiurgical gates

and chewbacca edgyforyou as peter

Man, high fantasy was such garbage before Tolkein came around

Sauce on that second paragraph? Sounds interesting.

bravo ridley

people shit on the ancients because they worshiped thunder gods like Thor or Ba'al

they assume that the ancient peoples worshiped gods as aspects of physical phenomenon (Sol Invictus is literally just worshiping the sun, so they say) and fail to realize that Homo Sapiens are no different then when they first emerged and those ancient people were just as smart and introspective.

Odin is an enigmatic figure, he's not just a guy with one eye and two crows and a horse with seven legs. These are means of understanding something that you can't easily understand. It's easy for the powers that be to claim that Ra was the Sun and the Egyptians were dumb for worshiping Ra. Or that the Aztecs were simply insane and paranoid. Humans have deeper reasons for what they believe and do.

Just because modern man can get away with hollow lipservice to stupid traditions they don't really understand, they think their ancestors were the same way: literally worshiping a star or the sun or the moon as if it were a person. They can't understand this because they are zombies wandering around in a world without meaning or insight. At least atheists admit they don't want to understand.

so basically both WE WUZs and Sup Forums will both hate the casting of this movie?

it's sad they keep up the old tricks, yet one user can put it perfectly in less than 20 words

you would think i'd be angry at this post...

but i chuckled.

all pagan stories are the same, we Aryans all came from Fair Atlantis, only Billy Batts disagrees


kind of agree

at least it comes from a single source. Francis Bacon is pretty chill as well.

you see when loki fucked a horse it was actually about the concept of chaos intertwining with the faithful steed of the norsemen



He actually looked like the Shroud. Pic related, essential Jesus reading

Start following Christ

That "reconstruction" was for the average male of that era/place. However the whole project was handled by the Jews and Jews hate Jesus so much they wrote a fan-fic about him being boiled in semen and shit in the afterlife and how his mother was a whore who fucked animals.


dont bully demiurge-chan

Let me get this straight. People actually think Jesus was white?

>americans still use the term white

>yurogooks still use fake nwes

>americans still niggering into oblivion

>god, supposedly, doesn't exist
>liberals still try to make Jesus look black, even though he's supposed to be a fictional character

I don't get this. I just don't FUCKING.GET.THIS

>Yuropoor commie “””””intelligectuals”””””””” posting r/pol fake news pictures

The story among gnostics is varied and intense. As opposed to Kabbalists which generally share the same source in ancient Babylon (before the Babylonian exile the Jews were no different from Phoenicians, they worshiped El, god of the mountain, Asherah, his wife/the earth, Ba'al the god of thunder and Asherah, Ba'al's feminine aspect similiar to Enlil and Ninlil. Obviously this was nuanced and they had a special name for Ba'al which was Yahweh but this form of worship was augmented heavily by those returning from the exile to the point where the Torah claims they have always only worshiped one Marduk-like god named Elohim or Yahweh)

The big difference between Kaballah and Gnosis is the demiurge. Kaballah sees god as a being beyond our universe slowly emenating into ours through less than perfect forms (the famous sepherot) which the last form interacts with living humans yet can seem viscous, genocidal and cruel.

Gnostics believe there was some kind of mistake in the emanations of god which should have been perfect, sin free and death free. Normally this is described as Leviathan, the maelstrom, or the Demiurge/Yaldabaoth (son of chaos) which came from a mistake in wisdom or self awareness (Sophia). This is the highest mystery of gnosticism and thus is never spoken about plainly in the ancient texts. We really don't know what the fuck most Gnostics in the first century really believed about 'the demiurge'.

Modern interpretations vary from the Demiurge is a false god that takes credit for creation but is insane and requires random acts from humans (circumcision, don't wear polyester, etc) and others think that Yaldabaoth is some kind of mechanism that God found in the vast nothingness and got too close to having aspects of itself sheered off (Adamas - humanity, self aware beings) and that two aeon were created later to extradite the energy (Life - Zoe and Word - Logos).

>fake news
lmao see you in a decade, Tyrone Hernandez.

Dude, you're getting Bernie in 2020. Watch your mouth.

>he thinks Jesus was white
Good goy, he DEFINITELY ((NOT)) from the Middle East

>odinigger thinks Jews like Jesus

>Be a jew for 2000 years
>What if he was black?
>be black

How stupid is that?

>more r/pol pics
Here’s something to think about, it’s called population density. You don’t actually think every spot in America is inhabited? Oh well, but look at those pretty colors.

Also imagine trying to bark up a country that doesn’t even think about. OBSESSED

>he thinks they dont
I wonder who is behind this post. Hmmm


Why wouldn't Jews like their own?



jesus was an aryan with aryan genes born to a jewish mother fathered by an aryan god, are atheist really this retarded

Back to /who/mblr.


>he thinks aryan means white
Someone’s a highschool dropout nigger

thats not jesus

Never ever.

Because he called them the Synagogues of Satan.
Because he flipped their tables and whipped them.
Because they don't even hate the Jew who sold him out for couple of silver shekels.
Because he said they're not the God's chosen.
Because they don't see him as a messiah nor do they accept the New Testament as canon.
Because they wrote how he's being punished in hell with boiling semen for the troubles he's caused to Israel.
Because Christianity built Europe.

Don't be an Odinigger. You're doing a disservice to your own culture and ancestry.

I basically thought this was the story and have always thought of myself as a Gnostic but do realize they are heretical in a lot of ways.

Did your reading comprehension not tell you that Celsus was literally anti-Christian and a propagandist, no different than any other provocateur.

People are forgetting his genetic makeup was at least fifty percent god. Of course he was white.


Do you ever think it comes across racist Christian American rednecks (literal ones, no memes) that Jesus wasn't white?

This all sounds really interesting. Can you recommend any good books or auhtors that delve into this subject?

A Syrian guy that I know looks very close to this. I’m not sure how much the Muslim invasion changed the gene pool of the Levant, though.

He was Caucasian. What the fuck is "white"?

Actual Lebanese person here. We look like OPs pic. Can confirm jesus looked like that

>Jesus always looks like a beautiful white man in the middle of arab land 6000 years ago

Jesus was black. Obviously black. So so so obviously black. Hair like lambswool. Skin bronzed like armor. Actual verses of his physical description. Hung out with prostitutes, sinners and lepers.

You think they were going to crucify some brad pitt looking mothefucker? No fucking way.

Prove it, alt left mouth breathing commie

Most of the rapefugees are Caucasian too