How the fuck does Mark Waid go from writing something amazing like Irredeemable but then to writing shit like Champions?
How the fuck does Mark Waid go from writing something amazing like Irredeemable but then to writing shit like Champions?
>inb4 "SJWaid was never good"
>amazing like Irredeemable
Granted, I've only seen fragments, but to me it seemed like edgy tryhard bullshit.
It's very troubling, isn't it?
Then again, there was this guy I went to college with, and in 2003 or whatever he totally hated Bush's foreign policy. And last year he was all about Hillary, had no time for realizing that she supported Bush's foreign policy back then and still to this day would advocate pretty much the same stuff.
His 2003 self was smarter than his 2016 self. It's the same with Mark Waid, and many other people.
If you subject yourself to brainwashing (mass media) then you're that much stupider. The Waid of 2017 has undergone a decade of brainwashing more than the Waid of Irredeemable. It's that simple.
At a glance it would look like that, but if you actually read it, its very good and you start to learn what made him into an edgy cunt
Champions is good
You guys are scared to get into it because of the memes
What's the premise for Irredeemable? Is that the comic with the guy wearing all the babies as armor?
I choose to believe you.
Therefore, the answer to OP's question would be "comic book writer senility". It happened to Claremont, it happened to Chaykin, it will happen to everybody you like.
Basically a superman like character who turned evil, but the story starts with him at the evil stage and you see more about his heroic phase as the story goes along, he doesnt wear babies as armour but he has killed babies, its really good
yeah, that was a side story featuring the Batman and Robin of this universe
Cant believe I missed that side story, now I want to read it
Sup Forums isn't #woke enough to handle it.
Irredeemable was not really amazing, though it was enjoyable.
Champions plays on his main weakness though: he literally can't write teenagers. Impulse was a fluke.
If you would have posted the actual good "I" book he wrote you would be more believable.
Irredeemable was Evil Superman #1,312. It pretty much wrote itself. Team books are harder to write.
There it is. Waid needs some of that Rebirth. Shame he can never go back.
It probably helped that Impulse was raised in a virtual reality setting in the future, so he's not like your average teenager. He also was younger and less out of touch back then.
>he literally can't write teenagers
I've heard good things about his new Archie. Was that just shilling?
Why'd they make Vision's daughter gay again?
>when you're so butthurt about DC editorial that you jump ship to Marvel and forced to spout cucky liberal bullshit because they'll fire you if you don't
He's such a bitch when it comes to MUH SUPERMAN holy shit
People are less capable of writing the older they get and the more they write. Writers should have a forced retirement age and amount of work.
How are they supposed to make a living in their old age then?
Hi intern how's that $0.00 a month paycheck coming along
She isnt gay, unless thats something that happened in the latest issue, which I stopped reading halfway through cus it was basically just FUCK DRUMPF the comic
Nah, some writers can keep going or come back from a bad work. Alan Moore for example went to pretty bad sex stuff but bounced back recently with Providence one of the best Lovecraft adaptations ever.
There are other examples. Morrison and Gaiman haven't really fallen to crap yet though their output is very low.
He went full retard. He thinks we're in a far right facist state and white men are going to dust off their SS uniforms and start up another genocide
He's not wrong.
Why does this happen? Do they use up all their ideas? Get stuck retreading old territory? Let their politics get the better of them or are their politics too contrary to the youth/common people? Do they just become wage slaves pumping out the same product to the same audience? Do they get a winning formula and flog it to death, never looking for new or dynamic ways to do things?
it's called Insufferable
Why does Sup Forums have to shit up every thread in this goddamn board? No one cares about his fucking politics, go away.
>Champions is good
Politics aside it's bad. The characters are all wrong and the dialog is written as if the champions are a hivemind
People use up all their ideas. Nobody is an endless fount of good ideas, it's impressive to have one genuinely good idea, but the comic industry is designed to milk people of every last concept until they're running dry.
His politics were literally vomited into the latest issue of Champions, the whole comic was about his political views
Because Champions is "politics" the comic as of late?
Nothing I said was Sup Forums you idiot
Yes he very much is.
And? You can still discuss his failures as a writer without going "lololol trump librulz cuckcuckcuck"
When he was at Image and DC he was a conservative-republican
At marvel hes full blown SJW liberal
How did Sup Forums go from a very gay board to a Nazi loving board?
Mark Waid finds a way to write the same Superman story every few years.
Between these periods of time, he half-asses it and coasts off of "Kingdom Come".
It's annoying lately. Knee jerk reactions towards ANY negative thoughts towards "progressive" politics no matter how slight = Sup Forums. How are they any better than the ACTUAL Sup Forums posters who have knee jerk reactions towards any depiction of gay people in comics? What, you expect people to agree with you 100%, THEN You're not Sup Forums?
No wonder people hate and are afraid of ANTIFA. If you see everyone who isn't you as Nazis, and want to hit every Nazi you see, that's a dangerous mindset.
>implying Kingdom Come is good
Kingdom Come coasts off the art of Alex Ross
Waid was never a good writer. He was always a Marvel writer at heart.
The current political climate directly effects Waid and how he writes Champions. He has said so himself. It's impossible to discuss the state of the book without acknowledging that.
Don't worry, Sup Forums is still gay as fuck
No, that's Insufferable.
>ANY negative thoughts
>dude he thinks the right is a bunch of Nazis
>yeah he's such a liberal cuck xD
>not Sup Forums
Lately Antifa are behaving exactly like the SA did. It's very worrying
>these words hurt my feelings and you shouldnt use them
Don't bring this shit into this thread too.
Cool console war, bro.
>Why does Sup Forums have to shit up every thread in this goddamn board?
Because the PC Police and SJWs made everything, comics, video games, movies, even Dungeons and fucking Dragons, everything, about racism and sexism and homophobia and equal representation of all demographics (except white males) and it pervaded the mediums we loved for decades, poisoning them in ways they may never recover from.
They made everything about politics, and you guys let them, you who stood by and refused to call them on their bullshit, and maybe even supported their ideals at first.
They started a war on us and our funnybooks for no reason other than they are so privileged and pampered that they had so little to take offense to that they got up in arms about manchildren in underwear punching each other through buildings.
Well fuck you all. I was a fan of this medium before you decided to get your knickers in a twist over it, and I'll be here when you're gone, picking up the pieces to make something better.
They poisoned the well, and we all have to drink from it now, why wouldn't we warn others? It can happen to your fandoms too.
>dude he thinks the right is a bunch of Nazis
Wait for you actually saying it's a reasonable belief that the entire right are Nazis? You're insane
I don't think you understand the massive appeal of uniform fetishism within the gay community.
Ideology is a hell of a drug.
That's funny. You're funny.
>Nazi loving
Its alarming that you think Sup Forums is Nazi loving. Just because we hate the overbearing SJW trend at Marvel doesn't mean we love Nazis
>console war
it's not a war, DC won, that's it
Waid is a shit writer cause he's a marvel writer.
He's not wrong
Thanks for the hearty chuckle you've provided me.
when did people on Sup Forums become such victims?
This site was started for anime lovers. So day one
His Archie is shit. The art carries it
While I dont like Marvel right now with the overly progressive bullshit narrative they have, I have always been a fan of Marvel, but now I want DC to continuously outsell them HARD so they may end up not shoving their politics into nearly every comic they make when they realise how many sales they are losing
Not quite. They're behaving like the very group that lead to the creation of the SA to combat them in the first place. One evil created to fight another evil.
Basically, I'm more afraid of the possible creation of ANOTHER group made to combat ANTIFA. ANTIFA needs to be stamped out before that happens.
Time to hide the thread.
You're either one or the other, my friend. It's only black and white these days.
Shades of grey are gone.
Comics are still primarily created by and star white men
I like how cucks on Sup Forums like to bring up being Sup Forums as if its such a horrible thing. It would be like saying "oh wow /tg/ is here, shut the thread down" So what if i'm from Sup Forums? I can't post here about comics?
>it's not a war, DC won, that's it
Sure thing, bud. Is that why Marvel is still the biggest comic book company in North America? Or why their movies are 100x more popular than DC's?
Why is anything leaning anywhere away from the left considered Sup Forumsshit now?
Are people actually afraid of the thought that their shitty agenda is having a negative impact on the medium?
In their minds Sup Forums is full of people who have no other hobbies or interests.
It's that simple. It's rule one of fighting an enemy: you dehumanize them.
And you sound like you're glad that this happening. You sound like you'd rather have everything we love ruined just because you hate Sup Forums. Why do the REST of us have to put up with this crap just because you want to see Sup Forums angry?
>Are people actually afraid of the thought that their shitty agenda is having a negative impact on the medium?
People will never be able to realise this, so they will call anyone who doesnt love it a Sup Forumstard
The movies are Disney properties, not marvel comics properties.
Please fuck off back to Sup Forums
because Sup Forums is Marvel central. Anything that shit talks anything bad about Marvel is Sup Forums.
Here's the truth Sup Forums has better taste than Sup Forums
You guys made a thread on Sup Forums with a guy wearing a Swastika hoodie being a good person and the feminist being horrible goblins!
>You guys
You have no idea who I am
can we just go back to arguing about Mark Waid
Kingdom Come is shit
>somebody says 'fascist'
>thread derails into Sup Forums fearmongering
God Damn could this place be any easier to troll?
It's not ruined though, I enjoy plenty of comics nowadays. Granted, mostly not from the Big Two but that's not really an issue for me, same thing happened during the 90's.
I suspect that it derailed BECAUSE of Mark Waid's fans. You know, just to distract us from the fact that Mark Waid got shit because he let his politics get in the way of making his work. And his politics just so happen to be the kind of politics that the derailers agree with.
I didn't think this would happen when I said fascist. I just brought it up because that's what Waid feels now.
I havent read Kingdom Come, how bad is it user
It's hard to talk about Waid without talking about politics now
Waid's slide into leftwing lunacy has been a long time coming. Remember in the mid-00s when he made Superman a vegan because he saw auras? He's no longer the guy who re-read his silver age comics in the mid-90s and realized he loved all that corny stuff. If he reread those books now, all he'd see is the racism and the sexism and the fucking white men everywhere.
When you put it that way, that IS true. Comics as a whole aren't really ruined. Unless you subscribe to the big two or American Indie comics.
What gets to me though is that just because a comic is left leaning, it shouldn't go all the way to the left to the point where it becomes unbearable.
It's ridiculously easy, since Champions has plenty of flaws that have nothing to do with politics
All lefties, like Waid, are lunatics
>Remember in the mid-00s when he made Superman a vegan because he saw auras?
Why a vegan? Why not just have him not eat at all since he doesn't really need to
"Fucking white men in western countries?! What the fuck!!!"
The bigger issue is that there's no diversity of opinions in the big two, especially marvel.
Name me a single hero that's right wing and has it portrayed as a good thing.
He eats for pleasure.
Sure, but that's mostly Marvel and Boom right now. There's plenty of other fish in the sea, and this is a fad anyway, if you seriously think people like Alonso actually believe in this shit you're in for a surprise. Ten years later, this'll be just a bizarro episode we'll all be laughing about.
The problem is, his politics are a BIG part of that reason. How can anyone NOT talk about it? It's a huge part because now only cares about sending a message and not telling a good story. It affects every part of the work, down to having all the characters sound exactly the same because of the need to spread a message.