Does anyone else hate this man as much as me

does anyone else hate this man as much as me

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Fuck off, he's /ourguy/

most definitely

If I was ever famous and had to go on Fallon I would be Joaquin-tier difficult
Make fun of his laugh, do the handclap, ask him why reeks of booze

I wonder why it annoys me when he laughs at his own bits but I'm fine with Larry David does it.

my shit list goes:
1. JF
2. Donald Trump
3. Kim Jong-un

he's as tolerable as Conan, still a bad host though

Because Larry David's actually funny

I guess, he also doesn't have a naturally punchable face like Jimmy.

It's completely baffling how he's even famous, yet alone the Tonight Show host. Like, you kind of get why Jay Leno was got the job, but really?

Reminder that John Oliver is the superior late show host which isn't saying much but still

Craig Ferguson was the last really great one, Conan has his moments but I wouldn't watch him nightly.

>don't like a tv show host
>can't stop obsessing about him

the one and only reason i cant completely hate him is because he doesnt base his whole shtick around berating trump every single night, like the other hosts do ( colbert and oliver).

This is why i don't frequent Sup Forums

My problem with Conan is that he nosedived so bad. If you filter out the drumpf things John Oliver is pretty funny and gives you some superficial information about random topics in his monologues. I appreciate that desu

Craig Ferguson & Letterman are the only good night hosts. all the rest have been fucking terrible

Political stuff is just really easy, especially in the current climate where every side seems to be shitting itself and the extreme ends of the political spectrum are so prevalent.

It's been years since I watched an actual episode of Conan but occasionally a bit will come on youtube or something that's decent.

I don't like his show, but The Roots are great.

The American phenomenon of the talk show in general is completely baffling to me, and I have no idea why so many Americans watch them. Yeah, some are better than others but the premise is fundamentally weird
>here's actor/actress of the month, let's listen to them recite their pre-rehearsed plug for their latest movie, and tell their pre-rehearsed 'humanising' anecdotes, while the host reads out his pre-rehearsed jokes, and lets all pretend that they're actually having a real conversation
They're always painfully scripted, with forced, unnatural 'banter' and cringey stunts
Why are they so popular? It seems that Americans have a unique difficulty in separating scripted marketing from genuine reality

He helped get Trump elected so I love him

Isn't this model being copied everywhere else?

It is here.

No idea how much you hate him but i hate this fake fuck a bunch myself.

>he wrote this unironically

I like him, but he's a bit painful to watch because he's such a fucking manchild, it reminds me of myself. It's a shame cause he's so fucking attractive when he doesn't talk or laugh like an autist.


Conan is a horrible host. Forced laughter, going out of his way to suck up to guests, and desperately in love with his question cards.

The gold in Conan is his ability to improvise off-stage. Ferguson utilized this strength to his benefit. Unfortunately, this gift shines rarely. Only on Conan's vignettes and his travel shows do we see this.

Good reason.

conan best

Ferguson is a late-night god.

I hate what the talk show formula has done to certain comedians, and I don't even have an issue with talk shows. Colbert and Fallon both used to be great personas in their early days, and it's almost like those people are dead. It absolutely never shines through in their host-selves.

Conan stubbornness it's also charming and he plays every second to comedic effect, man it's a late night virtuosso.

And even he makes the format look dated.

He's apparently a major alcoholic and cokehead

Not American, but Graham Norton is top tier comfy.

i hate Kimmel way more

As an American the only real exposure I have to him is he tends to have really great musical performances.

This. Fallon is fake but you can tell it comes from anxiety and insecurity, which is lovable is a weird way


I completely agree with this and im glad others see it too. Fallon doesnt strike me as a bad guy and some of the jokes he make is real, idk it feels like he's still being himself from time to time

I don't necessarily have a problem with him, but I can't stand him on TV and won't watch his program

My aunt went on a date with this guy, back before he was famous. She's a total stacy, and he was a greasy emo loser, so nothing ever came of it

anxiety and insecurity are a virgo's bread and butter.

The hand clapping with his little flappers omg i want to deck him so hard

I moderately hate him

Like, I want to see him get hurt but not die

i like his music parodies and his impressions. but he sucks as a late night host.


John Oliver comes off as whiny little cunt.
I get it's trendy to hate Trump, but that is this limey fucks go-to everytime he has nothing interesting to say. Which is too often for a talk show host.

You must've jizzed yourself when he damn near degloved his ring finger

Not in Australia

I used to hate him, and then Colbert showed up. Colbert is autistic or something, his show is a clusterfuck of untalented hacks.

Fallon has an annoying fake laugh but dope music taste. He has Mark Kozelek on and that makes him alright in my book.