Why is western animation so infantile, bland, and generally unpleasant to look at?

Why is western animation so infantile, bland, and generally unpleasant to look at?

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I don't know, user, why is your mom?

Is everybody still trying to copy Pendleton Ward's style or did that die off?

Trying to get those 80 epic replies huh?


This thread is still superior to every single one on Sup Forums.

I've got you, and that's all that counts.

I'm not OP, bucko.

Sup Forums sounds like it fucking sucks.

Shut up Nazi *grabs throat*

muh waifu umaru kawaii

*stabs you in the balls* back the fuck off !?!?

Because it's made by infantile, bland, and generally unpleasant people

>Why is western animation so infantile
>Why are cartoons made for children so childish?

Explains Steven Universe pretty well.

Sup Forums at it's best is worse than Sup Forums + Sup Forums + Sup Forums combined at their worst


God. It must suck if you just want to talk about tv shows.

>It's an "OP thinks Western Animation is just what's on Cartoon Network and Nick" thread

Suck on that OP

and fuck am I tired of store fronts and street signs

>Why is western animation so infantile, bland, and generally unpleasant to look at?
>he posts this 4 days after the release of SJ's new trailer
Dunno if anyone told you, but bait isn't supposed to be obvious

Oh god you already have a "WESTERN ANIMATION SUX XD ANIME FOR LIFE" bait thread up, there's no reason to make another one when everyone else is already in the thread with over 100 posts and definitely counting

At least Sup Forums understood what makes shitposting funny. Sup Forums is just about spamming garbage 24/7 and expecting you to laugh.

that bitch needs way more porn.


why is everyone in japan a pedophile?

Sup Forums tries desperately to recreate baneposting so it's nothing but memes and shitposting because Sup Forums had a moment of Sup Forums-tier popularity in terms that a meme became so popular that normies started using it

fortunately baneposting lasted only a couple months or so and Sup Forums has four years of meme material so Sup Forums is gonna keep shitposting till they find the one