/stg/ - Stranger Things General

/stg/ - Stranger Things General
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Curly haired El is cute. CUTE!

How can a picture physically hurt me? It's not fair. I want to run my fingers through El's curly hair and unbutton her overalls as she changes into her PJs and we climb into bed, pull the blanket over us, and cuddle. I want to lie awake at night as she sighs softly and nuzzles my neck, my hand embracing her head of silky soft hair pressed deeply into my chest, her eyes closed and legs curled up, listening to the sounds of her breathing and gentle heartbeat mixing with the sound of crickets carried in by the cool summer evening breeze. I want her to know she'll be loved and safe forever.

King reporting in

im bummed that steve got his ass kicked

love you /stg/ Steve Things General
only thing I got going for me tonight

hail to the king baby

Steve's thicc legs

>God Tier
King Steve
Benny(Diner owner from episode 1)

>Great Tier
Mr Clarke
Dr Owens
Billy's dad(promotable to God tier depending on how they expand him next year)

>Good Tier
Billy(promotable to Great or God tier depending on how they expand him next year)
Will(promotable to Great or God tier depending how they expand him next year)
Dustin(promotable to Great or God Tier if they turn him into Steve's Chad protege)
Mike's mom
The Deputies

>Meh Tier
Lucas's family
Mike's dad
Dustin's mom

>Bad Tier

>Shit Tier

>Finn, Caleb, Gaten, and Noah all go to school and live normal social lives
>because of this they aren't retarded in interviews or annoying, they are pretty based at times
>Millie was homeschooled and had no friends until Stranger Things
>on BST Millie keeps trying to put out that Brenner and Hopper are extremely similar and that brenner is good in a sense
>Duffer bros keep trying to deflect that in the nicest way without outright calling her a fucking retard
>she absolutely adores episode 7 and thinks it was completely necessary
>wants to spend her free time helping charities and making society a better place
>came up with the idea of Mike and Eleven kissing during the Snow Ball
>She even went as far as to say that the directors don't need to use the kiss in the show, but that it's still necessary for Eleven's character and needs to happen regardless
>worth an estimated $3million
>is claustrophobic
>deaf in one ear
>actually autistic

Mille was too good for this world.

Whoops, forgot my meme tripcode for a second there.

>Season 3 Steve gets /fit/
>Still gets his ass beat because its a running gag