So what book would you put Frank Cho on?
So what book would you put Frank Cho on?
He can draw monsters, girls and funny faces, absolutely any book with those things
A Star Wars mini could be nice
Captain Marvel. He wouldn't draw her as a dyke or a dude.
one where the writer isn't a psychopath moral crusader who won't let him draw Wonder Woman sexy FUCK YOU RUCKA FUCK YOU TO HELL
A new Jungle Action with Ka-Zar and Shanna.
I love Cho... but honestly looking at Skybourne his paneling is really bland as fuck when nothing is happening, he needs a constant action book.
Female lead book, I would give us a Squadron Supreme - Zarda mini to wrap up the Zardas stories the last SS series left up in the air.
Male lead book, Ares.
That whole thing was so fucking tragic to me personally, both creators I fucking love.
Cho is one of the greatest female artist I have ever seen and Rucka's Punisher run is one of my favorite comic runs EVER.
And worst of all, NOTHING about any of Cho's fucking covers were notably sexualized, NOTHING. The fucking bathing in waterfall moment Scott put in the 2nd or so issue was more sexualized then all of Cho's WW covers combined.
Not a book I want to read. He's a boring fucking artist.
I would put him in charge of Spider-Gwen, I would have him revitalize it as more of a cheesecake comic and have Milo Manara do the covers.