ITT: Films everyone praises yet you consider it just ok

ITT: Films everyone praises yet you consider it just ok

For me it's Mad Max: Fury Road.
I don't like the fast paced editing and the story is practically non existent. I didn't hate the film I just felt it didn't live up to the hype.

it's one of the worst movies ever made

It's a spectacle flick that was hyped up as a visual tour de force.
It delivered as long as you weren't naive enough to expect more.

>wasting trips trying to get a tranny spending the night in a hospital to witness you
This isn't what Sup Forums was meant for

>praised for its amazing action scenes
Meh, they are okay. Nothing special or memorable
>praised for its insane, over-the-top nature
Meh, I've seen Bollywood films that were more insane and over-the-top
>praised for its visual storytelling
What story?
>praised for its "strong female characters"
Fuck anyone that uses the words "strong female characters". Also the writing was shit
>praised for its cinematography
Mmmm, orange and teal, so comfy.......... except not really

6/10. Not bad, not great either. Probably won't rewatch it.

i hated that movie desu

your mom

The opening escape scene was fucking great, the storm scene was 10/10, and that guitar dude was beyond kino.
But uhh, other than that it was pretty boring for an action movie honestly.

>visual tour de force

movie felt like a Mad Max spinoff desu