Stranger Things stole from Spielberg's Super 8

Stranger Things stole from Spielberg's Super 8.

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Stranger things pretty clearly apes Spielberg in general. How fucking dumb are you that you would think this is news?

real heads know

Who the fuck says apes

Well, someone finally noticed!

I do.

Spielberg is just ET and Goonies
Which is also what Stranger Things

Also anyone notice this movie dropped off hard? It was everywhere when it first came out, then I remember for a few years after it was still talked about around, especially irl, now nothing

I still think about it alot, I really love Super 8. Sure its got that jj abrams editing but that speilberg feel.

i do, why don't you?

are you a nigger? why is your vocabulary so poor?

the hype leading up to super8 was far better than the actual movie. Most of abrams shitshows havent really held up well, personally only cloverfield still gets me excited.

Apes is a plural for those nigger primates

At least I use the vocabulary right without saying nigger low iq things with no actual dictionary definition

youre so fucking stupid

I watched it for the first one two days ago and Jesus does that movie drop in quality quickly.
Seriously is there an online explanation for why the main action sequence is tanks randomly driving and shooting around suburbs with soldiers running along side them? I know the story "reason" but it's such a nonsensical and unentertaining idea to put into a movie.

I was pleasantly surprised with the alien, I'm a Cloverfieldfag so I thought it would be lame and in shadows the whole time.


>Also anyone notice this movie dropped off hard?

Yes, and it's a shame. Nice movie that deserves at least a cult status. Nice music score by Giacchino too:

Disagree with you bud. Better not show your face around reddit because ill kick ur ass good. I know the mods

>tanks randomly driving and shooting around suburbs with soldiers running along side them?
did you pay attention to the movie? The alien was controlling them.

Did you pay attention to my post? I said besides story "reasons". Think about writing that scene into a script. It just seems like a weird reshoot scene to me, particularly with the kids teleporting from the second floor to the first when the house blows up without hurting them.

And was it "controlling" them? I thought it just interfered with electronics passively.

>And was it "controlling" them?
yes with its long tenticle dick.

Another point. They are being controlled/out of control but the soldiers are still pacing alongside them in formation as the tanks blow up the suburbs.

super8 has all the charm of a date rapist

Rape is hot

totally forgot this existed

At least it got a date

The experiment mixes elements of The Fury, Altered States, Fire Starter

The kids are a mix of E.T., The Goonies, Stand By Me

The mystery mixes elements of It, Poltegeist, E.T. the short story The Mist

The dreary small town/suburban angst is a mix of Stephen King and Steven Spielberg

The score is a mix of the works of Tangerine Dream and John Carpenter

Super 8 is a Spielberg homage
So its just mining the same vein

yeah and super8 is pretty. but ultimately it just wants to fuck you in the ass and steal your wallet

It's called pirating and no it was a 9/10 movie. Die in hell redditor

>it was a 9/10 movie
you are the only redditor here pal, nobody will remember this nostaliga sleaze in 20 years. Can you even name the characters?

Stranger Things is Super 8 done correctly.