San Andreas was a decent disaster movie, what did you guys think of it?

San Andreas was a decent disaster movie, what did you guys think of it?

I loved watching Daddarios mammarios jiggle all over the place

>a decent disaster movie
More like a disaster OF A movie

I love her and i will seriously consider suicide when/if she gets married

She has the same tier face as Caity you moron just the tits blind you

Watched it on mushrooms had trouble following what was going on. 3/10

Liked it. Was scarier than any horror movie, which are just comedies to me. Makes me want to watch more disaster flicks.

No, Alexandra's face is rounder, she has a baby face while Caity has a more defined jawline.

>The Rock's character is named 'Chief Gains'

Do you think she ever gets self conscious that the only reason she is successful is because of her tits? Or do you think enough people tell her other wise to have her actually believe it?

She's a smart gal. She knows what the people want and she obliges.