No matter what movie,cartoon or comic, Alfred is the best.
No matter what movie,cartoon or comic, Alfred is the best
Even the Alfred from "Batman and Robin"?
The answer is STILL "yes" because he was also Alfred in the previous three Batman films.
>Ralph Fiennes
>Jeremy Irons
>Michael Caine
>Michael Gough
Pretty much, yeah.
>"Death and chance stole your parents. But rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates. For what is Batman if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world, an attempt to control death itself."
Alfred movie when?
Alfred sucked in DKR
You suck.
>Giving a shit about Alfred
One day when I become super millionaire, I will have all my staff named Alfred. Doesn't matter if they're male, female, old, young, or not named Alfred. They will all be Alfred.