Why do cartoons, comics, manga, and anime all seem to think that big built guys are slow...

Why do cartoons, comics, manga, and anime all seem to think that big built guys are slow? Have none played sports or hit the gym?

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it makes them look more powerful.
Also in martial arts a lean sleek musculature is preferred most of the time.

because only fucking nerds and otakus read this shit and Chad kicks their ass all the time so they want him to be dumb and slow

That's not true for a lot of fighting manga, and it's not true for a lot of shonen.

I hope you're not using Raoh as an example because he's fast as fuck.

>all that delta memery

Back in the 80's they were big, but now they are twinks that are somehow strong.

Eat big, to get big, so you can left big.

Because action movies with Schwarzenegger and stalone were big

it's the human nature