Marge gloats about how she nearly got fucked by the French bowler as if it is something to be proud of meanwhile Homer...

>Marge gloats about how she nearly got fucked by the French bowler as if it is something to be proud of meanwhile Homer tells Marge about Mindy and she's fucking livid

Why is Marge such a terrible person?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Marge almost fucks sleazy French guy and gets no shit for it
>literally the next episode Homer dances with exotic dancer at party and gets kicked out of the house for it
What was meant by this?

roastie privilege is real

Marge is a saint for putting up with Homer
Homer is an obese retard

A wildly successful obese retard.

She used to work at a brothel.

Season 1 really was terrible

>Let's do it
>I have a long day tomorrow and-
>I wasn't asking

You tell me.

she is a woman


how do you not understand the difference between making a fool of her (that picture was circulated everywhere) and the very shameful private thing Marge had with Jacques?

Clip shows are the worst episodes. Why do you even bother watching that shit?

She's an ungrateful cunt.

>Marge calling Homer out for gambling

Queen of the harpies.

The worst Marge has ever been was in season two when Bart gets hit by a car and they sue Mr. Burns. Homer works a 9-5 he absolutely hates, Marge doesn't work a day in her life, and this is Homer's once in a lifetime break. And Marge shamelessly fucks it all up. Regardless of the extent of Bart's injuries, the fact remains Burns DID hit him and shouldn't have gotten away scott free, but Marge doesn't give a fuck about that, only herself. And when Homer is having doubts, Marge is a condescending holier-than-thou cunt by saying "sorry I have a conscience." Homer should've left her for good.

Homer fucked it up by getting greedy though and wanting even more money.

besides maggie, is there a good female character at the simpsons?

Look at all the women Homer's been with, and look at Marge's hair. He's clearly the prize in that relationship.

ikr marge is abusing of homer's mommy issues
a few episodes was needed to be disgusted by the series, futurama should've been better; turned into a cuck fiasco instead

That girl that Bart wanted to fug but was dating Jimbo

link meant for

French guy was an actual episode? I always thought they made it up just for the valentines day episode or whatever it was.

the edgy girl who picks the bad boy while stringing bart along? she'll grow up to be like her mother.

Jesus Christ. Watch season 1 and educate yourself. If this is bait it worked wonders. You've made six weeks of doctor prescribed mindfulness worthless as my blood pressure is back to what it was.

get a load of this hothead.

Isn't that early season before she got her addiction?

T. Jobless roastie

Fuck off, you would have a point if Homer actually worked hard or at all

the pastor's daughter who was the devil


>someone hasn't watched every episode of the simpsons
>this makes me angry

>Every marriage on the point of divorce episode is always about how Homer is a bad person and he doesn't deserve Marge

Any episodes from the reverse point of view? I don't think I've remembered watching any but it would be a refreshing concept.


Only the gambling thing immediately comes to mind.

There was an episode where Homer missed Christmas Eve because he was hanging out with Moe to keep him from killing himself.
Marge was super pissed at him, but after finding out the reason she sort of apologised.
Of course she only admitted to partial blame and the implication was that Homer was still somewhat a bad husband for it.

Look how rude Marge is to complete strangers.

>marge almost fucks a dilbert looking frog
>homer almost fucks a hot country singer
Marge was jealous and embarassed, seeing as Homer got the better score





>formerly Chucks

There's a newer episode called "Dangers on a Train" that addresses this topic. I'm having a hard time thinking of any others though.

There's also a newer episode called "Homer Simpson, This is Your Wife" where Marge gets a beta orbiter.