Obscure characters you can't help but like

>Emleh, escort this shitposter out of the thread
>This way, sir


I do not know who this is?

A character from the 7D

I want her to slap me.

that show keeps making me want to like it

Pretty much every one-off SpongeBob character.

top quality taste

>Why am I waiting?

I like that favourite sister of Judy's that see's her off at the Bunnyborough train station. She also appears on Judy's phone wallpaper in a deleted scene.

the horny girl from that one episode was way better

She appears in many episodes but I've never once seen anyone talk about her.

which one? i don't remember a whole lot of horny people in arlen not named john redcorn or nancy
wait do you mean that girl that bobby peer-counseled who then got a massive crush on him?
yeah, she was pretty great, in retrospect. I guess I just never thought about her


it's weird how whenever he shows up I'm like "Oh it's that.. no it's not that guy, it's uh.. it's that other g- .. no, not him.. who's this guy again?"
and then I look it up, and they say 'KGBeast' and I'm like who the fuck? and how is he a hero?

speaking of hall monitors
the one from american dad was great. I think she was also a theater usher.

>*beating the shit out of some guy*

come to think of it, Hey Arnold had such a great episode with hall monitor duty being taken too seriously too
was that even a real thing in schools?

Funny how you know which episode it is just by that screencap.

whiiich one?

I thought a lot of people knew about KGBeast, if nothing else for being that guy Batman definitely killed.

literally all i know him from is being in group background shots on JLU
i assume he becomes a good guy later

This is just what I vaguely remember, so don't hold me to it.

KGBeast was a KGB agent sent by Russia to assassinate the President. Batman got on the case to stop him. After Beast beat Batman in a fight once or twice, they take their final fight into the sewers. Batman managed to break Beast's arm, and Beast tries to get Bats to come into some room for a final showdown. Batman refuses, closes the steel door on the room, and boards it up. The picture above is the only thing Batman ever told the police on where he left him in panel, and since Beast didn't appear again until over a decade later in Face the Face (I think) where he was killed by the Tally Man to frame Two Face, many readers assumed Batman left KGBeast to die in that sealed room.

oh wait
it was background shots in the legion of doom
i'm thinking of someone else in the league, a guy with a red costume and a metallic blue hood

I'm honestly surprised that there was never an episode where Bobby dates her. Hell, she might've made a good long term girlfriend for him after Connie.

>move along sir, our beefs not with you
Id be surprised she never got an episode but they didnt focus much on the schoolkids, you just had background characters with names

bobby hates rules though

She wears that suit well