Blade runner 2049 feels

> tfw you realize K was in the greatest pain ever as he drove Deckard to Stelline's office building and that when he was outside telling him to go see his daughter he was trying to hide his pain so that Deckard would go inside not worrying about him

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>tfw you're not the chosen one, you're not special in any way

The flowers under the tree look like ovaries btw

The tents at the start of the film have the word Цeлинa on them.
This means poorly developed land due to lack of people living there. The movie references USSR program in 50s to cultivate such lands (by almost forcefully sending people there)to solve food crisis. Such lands were in steppes of Kazahstan, Astrahan'. Also parts of Ukraine and Far East.
The word could also mean "barren" much like the Replicants are.

My grandfather was send to Kazahstan for exactly this, they gave him and a few dozen other guys rifles and some food and said "go build yourself a home and make this land habitable"

let's post some deepbr2049 motifs and symbolism that all the plebs missed

That's really interesting, was he successful?

that stupid ass face of his

What was Denis trying to tell us through the bait and switch? That nobody is special? That even though we're not special we can still do great things?

like you said he and the other guys were forced to go there, they also had some pigs and sheep. One half of his new friends died during the winter and he and the others continued to build a small train station, they spend 7 years in the middle of nowehre and when they finally left there was no longer a sovjet union to return to so he went east to poland, met my grandmother and they both went to germany.
Sadly he died long before I was even old enough to really hear/understand those stories from his 'pioneer' years in Kazahstan, I really have to ask my father about this someday.

Remember what K said about DNA? No two people can have the same DNA. By definition we're all "special".
But let's look at the so called "special people"
Luv is "the best one" and she gets wrecked by K
Ana is the chosen one but she'll live her life as tool for one organisation or another just like any other replicant - perhaps even worse (unless Deckard treats her like a daughter)
Joi is just ones and zeroes, she's been duplicated and recreated a huge number of times yet to K, and to the audience, she is special!

It sounds interesting, I'm glad it has a happy ending since you were born.
Do you at least know how successful he was?

Who would play your gf in a film?

do you guys think something like joi will exist? asking for a friend


It seemed to me like K had no real moral compass of his own, his just mostly did what he was told and part of his nature was to not question these things further. It did seem like he had the capacity for a moral compass but that was constantly suppressed. He even hunted his 'own' kind. Even his capacity for love was stifled by this, which is why I think he could love Joi, as she demanded nothing of him and didnt challenge him in any way. For most people love is much more complex and dynamic.

>go in and don't worry about me
>come out and find my corpse instead

It was time to die.

It's already on its way

i really hope so.

>tfw no Luv gf

technologically, there's no doubt. but it'll be very controversial.

I know there probably not gonna be another movie, but do you think they'll continue it with an anime series or a comic book?

He's extremely tolerant to pain, isnt he? I think you are missing something there.

tell me about it.

how far away do you think we are? im sure theyll ban that shit.

>That even though we're not special we can still do great things?
Yes basically. And that your existence has only the purpose and goal you choose to give to it.

Japan is already starting to sell virtual idol companions. Also my dad (who is divorced), immediately told me after the movie he'd buy the hell of a Joi if he could. He found the idea awesome

>questioning origins
>first existential crisis

No one actually takes 13 years to start thinking about life, death and the meaning of it all right?

But he is extremely tolerant to pain, isn't he? It seems even to the point of not feeling any.

You are wrong, boy. Цeлинa means new lands that havent been used for agriculture yet. It doesnt mean barren, somtimes even the opposite. It was used alot in the early soviet era when the state had been using extensive agriculture, basicaly creating new argicultural centers with collective use of land. You are clearly not a native speaker and you're spreading false facts. Taк чтo нe гoвopи хyйни, пoжaлyйcтa.

this? its a start thats for sure. dude we are living in the future, crazy stuff.

Why would K ever question his origins before when he thought that he was just an average replicant like any other (which he is)
Why would he ever think about "life, death and the meaning of it all" before all of that happened in the film, he was just a one-note slave for the company up until then

well this is not exactly an intelligent companion but it's a start to affordable 'companions'.

furthermore, Sophia:

>can't wait to see you

I'm not talking about the movie, I'm talking about actual humans. The post kind of makes it seem like thinking more about life and death is something that is known to happen in adolescence, but most people start with this way earlier right?

Wow user, you must be very smart

jesus, is it a finished product?

i know user, hang in there until the synthetic gfs come out.

Nice projection, I'm actually wondering though that's why I asked.

Jake will fuck this red bitch like a good corrupt ruler, isn't he?

You must be some kind of hyper-isolated autist to have to ask this

Not really, just always kept it to myself instead of talking about it with others, apart from family and 1 or 2 friends.

When I saw br for the first time I had to see it in russian. First tought was "jeez they even translate the texts on the background". but then I guessed that its made originally for kinographic value.

And another fun fact. The cells interlinked was imo even stronger in russian adaptation since "interlinked" was translated as "cвязaны" which is literal, but also means "tied up". So it turns into "tied up in a cell" and it adds extra stress. I fucking hate seeing adapted versions, but BR was adaptated surprisingly well.

HD rip out when?


It's alright user. A golden age is upon us, we just have to wait some more

I know. Give it like 4 or 5 years

I hope you're right
>feels great, knowing someone's waiting for me

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm getting all choked up watching this

sort of. I have no doubt that in our lifetime, AI will be able to perfectly mimic speech as well as a wide range of emotions. it's unclear whether the movie intended us to think Joi was a Person capital P. let's assume that you would like her to be so.

the possibility of it is already established; there is no reason why an artificial brain wouldn't be able to reproduce every last function of an organic one. this would make such an AI identical to us in practice, and thus as legitimately "alive" and cognizant as us since we're also just lumps of matter and chemical

with that said, it's a problem of such unfathomable complexity that I don't see it happening in centuries if not millennia.


don't let that depress you though. if you actually do care about your fembot being a human Person to the same extent as you, then she would also have the presence of mind and most importantly the choice to reject you just like real women do.

This. We need a waifu, not a wife

Idk maybe i should put more effort into life and get a real gf. Unless we can buy an ai. Idk

Maybe you should, yes.

>problem of unfathomable complexity

No, much of the female brain has been blindly programmed by evolution for biological reproduction and we no longer need this for waifus. While it's true that the earliest waifus will have simple programming, it's precisely this simplicity that will be appreciated. No PMS, no games, no trying to figure out what she's thinking or why she's in a bad mood, all baggage programming from evolution to deplete resources from men and achieve their maximum commitment.

Waifu creators will not waste their time trying to accurately and realistically recreate a biological woman. They are obsolete.