What the fuck America?

What the fuck America?


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Hollywood is completely run by Jews, fags, and Jewish fags. Don't blame the rest of us for their stupid shit.

I don't get it. Did the guy in the window get shot?

I couldn't watch anymore of this, I hope he shoots them. Did he shoot them?

>yfw shooting a school and some queers start doing a faggy dance but you shoot them anyway


do americans really do this?

this is powerful........

no, the glass stopped the bullet

i quite literally don't get it.

Distract shooter with faggotry, lunchman tackles shooter, bullets go off and kill hippie jesus through the window?

Did a drama student die for the sins of faggotry?

fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo

damn drumpftards and white people BTFO, how will they ever recover?

ill try dancing, thats a good trick

I like how after the janitor tackles the shooter they all keep dancing rather than help subdue the shooter

Thi series wasnt bad but the ending made me embarrassed

I've only ever seen the 2 min dance clip of the show. Is it any less funny if I watch the rest of the show and have some context for what is going on?

funny part is she died for nothing considering he was only distracted by the people in the cafateria.

The dance is a magic spell that does some kind of shit or another

I actually kind of liked the series, I thought it was visually creative, especially the scenes with the afterlife

Well...it makes sense if you watch the entire thing.

Gives lunchmen the bravery to tackle a guy with a gun?

Hum i think the series had a good premise,good acting and great visuals but loses itself when sometimes its very slow and with that embarrassing dance thing...honestly I dont recomend it,I dont want to say what that dance was but you will probably raise your eyebrow when you know what that was

>When tumblr thinks homosexuality will save them from militarized autism

It's utterly baffling.

It's like peering into the mind of a schizophrenic homosexual.

is this the power of autism?

dance off bro


I hope some kid does this next time there is a school shooting and its recorded

>Well...it makes sense if you watch the entire thing
i watched maybe half the show and i still dont get why faggotry overcomes evil

>/leftypol posting fake screencaps and redditors kekistanis dozen of times everyday
>can't even get close to real life cringe

And I thought twerking was stupid

>. Is it any less funny if I watch the rest of the show and have some context for what is going on?

It makes you seriously wonder why you have wasted hours of your life for that.



As a schizo faggot I can tell you even this is far beyond my power level.

Well it didn't really, they just distracted the shooter.
It's very ambiguous if these dance moves even do anything since the girl might be mentally ill and making all this up to deal with the trauma of being kidnapped and raped repeatedly


These people are really doing something. You WISH you could be so brave, instead you just hide behind sarcasm. Typical.

It'd be pretty brave of me to take a shit in the subway, it doesn't make it a good idea

This is your best conclusion?

At least they can tell their grandchildren they stood up to fascism and refused to back down.

>these homos having grandchildren

I've never seen The OA but I gather the plot is something like
>Woman is cured of blindness
>Claims to be the messiah
>Everyone believes her
>Peace and happiness is spread across Earth through interpretive dance
>Turns out she's actually a con artist

What better way to protest the president than to make a complete fool of yourself on the internet, amirite?

wtf i love my wife's son now

What fascism? Stood up? Are they fighting the inevitable kek death corps?


>party casts Bedazzling Dance
>school shooter is Confused

this is grade A faggotry regardless of how you spin it

by shitting in the subway? hm


>Hollywood is completely run by capitalists. Don't blame the rest of us for their stupid shit.

Can someone please give me the context?

well they all believed it would do something.
yeah It's definitely a wtf ending but it's not as stupid as just watching the isolated scene without the context



Brit Marling is responsible for the dumb shit that is The OA.

Her Twitter account is filled with empty headed nonsense

I like some of the movies she has made

Why do Trumpsters have to come into every thread?

You guys elected a racist moron, accept the consequences instead of shitposting.

A russian nazi israel puppet, mysoginistic racist and fascist, a total dictator and also the less active president ever

>when as show's so dumb you side with the shooter

Ah yes, I remember this cancer.


What the fuck is this junk