BLUE PLANET Thread - Episode 2/7 "The Deep" - 20:00 GMT

BLUE PLANET Thread - Episode 2/7 "The Deep" - 20:00 GMT

Johnny foreigners welcome if you can find a stream.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Deep

Prepare for spoopyness

Is this the episode where they had to fake a lot of stuff to make the footage watchable?


>Deep ocean


Yeah. They did some of it in "controlled conditions".

>blue planet 3 will just be a series of shots of desolate ocean landscapes thanks to decades of increased co2 emissions and ocean acidification

A few scenes that they have on their website, but that’s it.
However there’s one sperger that insists it’s all CGI and loudly REEEEs about it, so you have that to look forward to

>Climate change is totally reel guize
>Plz cripple ur economy to stop """""carbon"""""

Found the chinaman
