How is they live a conservative movie when conservatives believe in all this crap?

how is they live a conservative movie when conservatives believe in all this crap?

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it's a libertarian movie, and liberals hate lolbertarians more than conservatives do

Conservatives are capitalists, leftists are consumerists.

capitalism requires consumerism to thrive.
anti-consumerism tends to be an anti-capitalist leftist thing, not a conservative thing.

he puts the glasses on and sees "marry and reproduce". who doesn't love that more than conservatives?.

rowdy piper might be a conservative and appear on alex jones but i don't even think he understands the movie.

>economics are the defining factor of an ideology

it views that breeding and marriage as part of the brain washing which makes it anti-family. the whole movie has anti-capitalist anti-family message

see it's an anti-conservative movie. anyone who thinks they live is a conservative movie is an idiot

What they got right is that there's a secret agenda pushed on the citizenry. Some of it (consume, obey) is true. That's half a redpill, but still a very enjoyable movie

John Carpenter is a liberal but They Live never resorts to cliched "[insert political party here] IS THE WORST" bullshit so you can project your own politics onto it. Well, you can project your own politics onto it as long as you aren't a neo-con/neo-lib.



Aren't they practically the same thing?

If you ignore "marry and reproduce" you can pretty easily interpret the film in a variety of ways. is right.

dumb dichotomies are dumb

Yeah, the differences between them are pretty minor.

>when conservatives believe in all this crap?
Nice strawman. You have to understand that there's a difference between your typical salt-of-the-earth conservative and the corporate dick-suckers in power like Paul Ryan, Nationalist Review, etc. Those are cuckservatives who just use window dressing to steer the masses toward the same consumerist corporate bullshit.

all conservatives believe in capitalism(it's part of their ideology) and the movie has an anti-capitalist message. it's not a strawman

being a capitalist while being anti-consumerist makes you the ultimate cuck. As i said, capitalism requires consumerism to thrive. by being pro-capitalist while being anti-consumerist, you're setting up a society for total failure. you're asking for your capitalist society to collapse by being anti-consumerist.

>lefties on Sup Forums talking about politics
always good for a laugh

>being anti-family

Lets see what you have to say about the movie then, coward retard.

I agree, although is more of a trichotomy, which I really want to see more of

thank you for introducing a small amount of hope to my life
partly because I hope this is true

If you give enought alcohol to a leftist he will confess how and ideal communist state should own kids since birth and declare family units as ilegal.

Pretty sure Communist states wanted to increase their populations

It's an attack on Reaganomics and Yuppies

>half the children born get funneled into state orphanages despite having living parents
not sure what you were trying to prove here because it sure looks like the communist state wanted to own children from birth

Nah those in the orphanages were mostly the gypsies which were to be shipped off to the USA.

XD! Way to show (((them))), friend!


dont get butthurt dude

>they live
>conservative movie

I don't think any communist has much good to say about ceausescu's romania lel. The man was barely literate and tried to model his regime after north korea

>conservatives aren't consumerists


Fuck off Trotsky, Ceauşescu resisted Soviet Imperialism.

to be fair if i owned a country i'd want it to be like north korea

Wew at you

Sup Forums is right on AHX, you just haven’t read how it was originally going to end,

It's not, it's made by a typical hollywood liberal.

Posting this to my twitter.

Day in and day out, I am baffled that so many people are so fucking simple that they can only divide their perception of the world into "conservative and liberal". It applies to both sides, don't be a simple fucking dumbass.

>don't think any communist has much good to say about ceausescu's romania lel.
spotted the filthy trotskyist zionist scumbag

>every country which has communism forced on it revolts against it
makes one ponder

Nicolae was a good man he should have killed more Hungarians but he took away their autonomy so I he did fine.

>killing Hungarians

Fuck off Mongol you ain't getting your Szekely, it's Dacian land.

alright cigany whatever you say

Kill yourself fucking idiotic mongol nigger-

fuck are you on

Never trust a Hungarian.

beg to differ

Buzz off Miklos

Carpenter is a liberal. You dumbfuck

not even Hungarian

So you're a gypsy?

nah a polack :-)

Trusting a Hungarian for a Romanian is like trusting a Russian and German for the Polish

i wasnt expecting much from a person who has anything positive to say about c*ausescu



acting surprised that they steal yet another thing.