Generator Rex thread

Was this the last good cartoon that aired on CN?

Other urls found in this thread: rex kevin manthei rex kevin manthei

Here's villain's journey through time theme without him narrating it like a peotry faggot.

i liked it, the monkey was annoying through.

The monkey was there for comedy relief, they wanted to do something bigger with him, but ended up removing his supporting role in favor of the blonde guy.

This show really deserved to be on adultswim or a channel allowing for a higher rating, because CN tried sabotaging it with slice of life episodes and actively editing the soundtrack to make it sound more goofy.

>never got a season 3
I'm still mad
just like symbiotic titain

No, the last good CN cartoon was Hi Hi Puffy Ami yumi

Can you believe this faggot?

This show had potential. Seemed like it wanted to go full Silent Hill at times. But it was limited by the time it was aired in.

Rex looks hot.

Should I watch this? Does it end on an unresolved cliffhanger?

Anyone got download links?

No, because it wasn't good.

Benthelooney please go

Action cartoon is synonymous with cancelled cartoon

stream it fampai

RWBY is the only action cartoon that i think has atleast 6 more seasons with a definite go-ahead.

And that's only because it's "self-published"

yeah, i see you point. I still don't understand why CN would cancel a show that's making them money right?

To me it looked like it was going FEAR among with Silent Hill, Resident Evil and other zombie mutant franchises.

The portal girl reminded me a lot of Alma from Fear or the girl from The Ring. The episode where Rex gets stuck in her pocket dimension especially reminded me of Silent Hill.

I like this show way too much.