
Mexican Data edition
What are some of your fave holodeck episodes?

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You WILL let us talk about DISCO. We are Trekkeys too.

Would Picard discriminate against us? Hmm?

heh nothing personal bashirfaggot

Reminder that Voyager is the purest Star Trek in terms of exploration.

>pic related is a typical TNG-fag

Why do they call it the Holode--ah forget it. Last time I only got a single (You).

you mean STD?

try again, I enjoyed reading the holodeck name shitposts

>the VOY fag is just the ENT fag's new disguise

* Our Man Bashir
* Ship in a Bottle
* Chaotica episodes

Shit holodeck episodes
* Janeway's quaint Irish village
* Janeway's nanny program
* Holobaseball

>I want politics, not exploration

Barclay's sex holodeck

Take me out to the Holosuite was a good episode tho.
>smug vulcans
>Sisko going full autism over baseball
>Odo getting really into it
>everyone having fun
Also, because this is usually cited as the reason, but just because it was a less serious episode between the whole Dominion war saga doesn't mean it's shit.

>I want an Irish village

This is Jonathan "Two Takes" Frakes. Say something nice about him.

Hirogen Nazi/Klingon hullabaloo was fun too.

He certainly looks like he always takes two, if you know what I mean.

I think you're cute, Jonathan :3
no homo

>troi is doing that fucking wink

TOS is classic
TNG is comfy
DS9 has the best plot
are the others worth watching?

>are the others worth watching?
Only for shitposting.

Today on "Where Are They Now?"

Voyager is comfy.

is that tom cruise on the right? i think i remember what episode he was in

STD is comfy and I daresay that its first season is already better than TNG and DS9's.

how can you not recognize Barclay?

Great, someone is going to take it.

>pic related is a typical Trek EU fag.

Stop bullying.

>the fucked up cropping at the bottom

My wife became a trekkie a few years ago. She can't stand Tasha Yar the character nor Denise Crosby as a person, seeing her as a desperate failed actress who uses the convention scene to glom onto the property she desperately tried to distance herself from. After showing her this image, she said, and I quote "Fuck that cunt."

stream link is where?

based Wife.

tfw no qt cardie gf
I can see your waifu's point, but I imagine if she were in Crosby's place she'd do the same thing.
someone will post the mega soon enough, just wait

>STD starts
>all the shitposting/infighting stops
Makes you think


no we finished shitposting in the last thread and now there's no arguments active to participate in.

i'll start one just give me a minute

I've recently come to love TNG season 1 for it's 1980's weirdness, body horror and heavy influence from Cameron's Aliens that quickly dissipated in the second season, but otherwise agreed.

>did it to based Sisko instead of Worf

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still say a baatleth isn't a sword

I don't know, man, feels like that argument didn't get enough (You)s. We need something fresh.

Someone show this to Avery Brooks

That's not how you spell it, jeez.

I would have more fun making borderline-racist jokes if I wasn't afraid of Sup Forums barging in and interrupting with wholly-racist garbage.

Did you know that racism is Sisko's greatest enemy?

>Trapped in time, Sisko faces his greatest enemy: RACISM

>computer, summon my child
>have someone kidnap her
>disengage safety protocols

you're right, it's a glaive

>that trailer

holy shit lmao

What about STDisco?

I think a trailer like this just goes to show how stupid that "Voyager = WWF propaganda" or whatever guy is.

>why do they call it a holodeck
>why is a bat'leth called a sword
Newest dank maymays

It's STD and it's always going to be STD

it's not even derogatory, it's just how it should be

>that episode where Riker creates holodeck programs where he can stuff himself endlessly with various foods and not gain weight as an outlet for his gluttony and Barclay, motivated by revenge, begins tampering with the programs which leads to Riker getting fatter and ultimately disabling safety protocols on it causing him to have a heart attack
It was pretty disturbing, but I learned a lot about eating disorders.

>Watch your tongue around me, boy.

yeah it's more of a glaive than a sword but it still doesn't have a polearm. i just thought it was funny how they keep talking about the sword of kahless and it is actually a baatleth

>Season 1 TNG Atmosphere

>bad trailer for a good episode is worse than bad trailer for a bad episode

Stop. No it's not.

1. DIS follows the acronym convention.
2. DSC is printed on the ship.
3. DISCO is printed on the crew shirts.
4. F off.

*phasers everyone who argues about acronyms ITT*

Damn, that image is kino.

When in TNG do they say "The Next Generation?"

oh man that music is pretty great actually

disco is dead ans so is std

>"My era is over. It's time for the next generation of heroes."

>Take me out to the Holosuite

Pick one and only one.

the primary argument for it not being a polearm is there is no pole. But then again, it's not really wielded like a sword either. Honestly it might even be an axe actually.

Let's speculate about Jonathan Frakes' penis size instead

I totally forgot about Q-Data
Also the first two seasons had a great ost



What happened to that poor girl's face?


Hahaha, holy shit. I tried moving it after I saw that because I wanted to see what was wrong with it. Good catch.

Hands off the merchandise.

>We never got to see Riker wear one of those

real talk tho, prime Frakes (bearded ofc) was one of the most handsome men on Trek

Why is de Lancie even there? He can't have been in more than 5 or 6 episodes.

all TNG episodes are from Q's point of view

>things you never say to DS9 fags

Frakes and Dorn being so tall makes Burton look even shorter.

I think he also hates being only known for Q.

i don't get it either. would rather see miles "my spoons are my trophies" o brien

>tent in pants
>small stomach bulge
>thick ass
How can I resist?

nice pits

Why are you so obsessed with DS9?

>Four 4's

I love DS9. I hate the typical DS9 faggot
>shits on Voyager constantly
>Doesn't watch TOS because it's "boring"
>Thinks there are no bad seasons (it has three)
>Won't admit they completely botched the Dukat storyline

Odo is such a cuck

You might be projecting, to be honest.

>Doesn't watch TOS because it's "boring"
"Doesn't watch TOS" is a trait more associated with Voyager. In fact, the head Voyager writers and execs are well-known for disliking TOS.
> "The dirty little secret is Berman and the people running Star Trek right now hate The Original Series and hate being compared to it. They are not people who have any affection for the old show. When Harve Bennett and Nick Meyer took over the franchise for Star Trek II, they went back and looked at every episode of The Original Series and learned everything they could about what worked and what didn't. When these guys [Berman and writer Brannon Braga] took over, they hated the original and resented being in the shadow and avoided watching it. They'd be happy if people forgot the original, and that's unfortunate." - Salon


read the ending first and immediately discarded the rest

>"Unlike his former writing partner Ron Moore, Braga has never been a Star Trek: The Original Series fan" - Memory Alpha

But don't worry: Rick Berman now says that he does _not_ hate TOS.

It's not. Comfy requires comfy aesthetics and voyager is drab and dark and sad.

I'm not. If you've ever spent time actually engaging with people in the fandom, you know the type. Typically fat cosplayers who love the TNG First Contact uniforms the most, focus on starship combat and obsess over fleet porn.

Have you seen the sinks in their quarters? Not comfy aesthetics? What's wrong with you?

Reminds me of when they ice down urinals.

I don't know what world you're living in, but fat cosplay is universal in mine.


I ship these two cosplayers, by the way.

oh god deanna


Now I know you're faking it. That beautiful soothing water trickling noise and the calming iridescent stones, as if anyone would dislike it.

They should be conserving that water. Why is it not a sonic sink like their sonic shower?