Tell it to me straight, is this movie anti-white?
Tell it to me straight, is this movie anti-white?
it's anti-liberal
Go into it thinking that way, and you'll read way too deep into it. Not really anti-white because they don't demonize all white people
More like just anti-'current mindset about race and its place in society'
The family is basically wearing black people like they're the current chic fall fashion. The movie is jabbing at liberal glorification of blacks which is hilariously racist and patronizing and yet they don't even realize it.
The family in the movie are libcucks, the movie is pretty funny and has some creepy moments but you can tell that it was written by a black guy
Yeah. Pretty much.
The movie is a strict and straight condemnation of white people, specifically here, white "allies". The message is blacks don't trust whites in any way, shape or form. That's why it's bm/wf, it's a dominance situation to make the black male seem in control when really he isn't and even his allies aren't allies.
It's paranoid propaganda verging on hate speech and libel.
Now here comes the flood ">go back 2 pol your horrible racist" and smug response posts from liberal shills.
you're right about the message but Sup Forums needs to kill itself for being whiny subhuman degenerate neckbeards