Why didn't Frodo cast the ring aside and go home?
The Ring
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He chose to grin and bear it.
Because the script said that he could not.
Eh, he didn't have anything going on that week, why the hell not?
Actually a good question beating that stupid Eagle Meme easily
Because Frodo is obcessed with the ring. That's the irony.
The ring isn't smart. The same magic that it uses to affect people ironically keeps Frodo to go on and on. If it's smart it should let Frodo put it down.
Ring can't risk getting picked up by another junkie retard that speaks to himself and spendng 500 years in a cave.
The ring seeks it's master, it won't give up. It's not smart or stupid, it's instinctual.
He wasn’t a cuck
based ost
sucks the hobbit ost is nothing like this
Gandalf had the hots for him, so he found an excuse for spending more time with him
the true answer.
why didn't he just bury it? dumbass
>Dark have been my dreams of late
That guy is perfect as Theoden.
Forth! And fear no darkness!
>I know your face. Eowyn.
>I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company i shall now not feel ashamed.
he thought he was ready, he regained his honor, but that desperately spoken ''eowyn'' at the end. christ.
Because he was a responsible, conscientious, principled conservative. Not some weak-willed, spineless, liberal coward.
Are women capable of understanding LOTR?
I genuinely believe they are not.
real question:
how didn't sauron realize whats going on when someone finds a hobbit sized mithril vest by cirith ungol? he knew that the hobbits had some relationship with the ring. He certainly knew enough that the vest belonged to the fellowship.
I think he thought the hobbit was actually dead and Gollum took the ring or some shit.
Well, two women wrote the film adaptation, so I guess so.
Gandolph should have just let blibo keep it.
Why didn't Gianna Michaels distract Sauron with her giant boobs?
Why didn't Frodo just invest the ring in a diverse index fund?
He will die in 7 days if he didnt make a copy of the ring
mithril vest was supposed to symbolize that he was dead, and that wasnt confirmed because the orcs started fighting over it during frodo's cavity search
>why didn't Frodo just let the devil eye guy get the ring and burn down the shire and rape and murder everything and everyone he loved.
Gee, I dont know why.
Why didn't Jackson cast the romantic subplot aside and make a good movie?
Have you heard of Fran Walsh or Philippa Boyens?
Now i have to fap, thanks user
In all honesty what would've happened if Frodo just threw the Ring down a deep hole or in a ditch out in the middle of nowhere? If the Ringwraiths couldn't find the thing for so long when it was sitting in the Shire how would they find it under months worth of shit in the wilderness or in a cavern?
Even if Bilbo did, wouldn't Smeagol get captured anyway? The Nine would haunt the Shire and eventually find out he had headed to Rivendell.
My mother and sister both demand annual family reunions to rewatch the trilogy together.
Women are bigger consumers than men.
>drives up to Gondor
>pulls to the side of the road
>keeps driving
wow this movie is great i'm mad they're remaking it on Amazon
>Forth! And fear no darkness!
Chills, every time. Theoden = best king
I guess they wouldn’t have found it for a very long time, but the forces of Mordor would also take over in the meantime.
My girlfriend is the biggest LOTR nerd I know..
Basically what said, read the "Many Meetings" and "Council of Elrond" chapters of Fellowship of the Ring.