Yeah, I'm fucking done with this dumb bullshit. It is nothing more than visual sludge, pig slop. it is trying to make me fucking eat 16 barrels of this tasteless trash then it throws in a piece of candy at the bottom of the barrel to convince me to eat another. I wouldn't be so insulted if it were unintentionally this way, but it is directly antagonizing me and the audience. It knows how shit it is and knows that the audience are too stupid to stop scarfing it down. When they introduced Morales I was actually kind of excited with the proposition of Rick reflecting on how he was and how he is now, and which Rick he prefers, but no, fuck that gay-ass character development faggot shit am I right? Just introduce him as a cliff hanger and kill him in the first 5 minutes to get idiots like myself to waste another hour watching this slime. Yeah, I'm fucking done.
Yeah, I'm fucking done with this dumb bullshit. It is nothing more than visual sludge, pig slop...
Isn't he from fear twd?
see you next week
He was in Season 1 of TWD
Where can I subscribe?
I'm honestly just holding off until the whisperer arc. I REALLY doubt they can make that arc work but it's pretty fucking different so I'm willing to give it a chance. A change from the status quo is something this show desperately needs. But even then, i don't think they'll do it good at all. There's only like a 3% chance they can pull it off.
whats whisperer arc supposed to be?
Watch fear the walking dead
Ed Gein style cultists that survive better than everyone else
I held off for a long time waiting for Negan, and they managed to fuck it up. They managed to fuck up the best character and most interesting arc in the comics.
Whisperers might translate better to TV if they get the atmosphere and paranoia right, but my expectations are pretty low. I expect whispers to be pretty cheesy on the show.
>still watching this shit show beyond season 1