Gal Gadot can ac-

>Gal Gadot can ac-

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate every second of footage with her. Wonder Woman could of been incredibly beautiful and stunning, cant fucking stand her ugly face and we're stuck with her.

>Batman has a more robotic sounding voice than the fucking cyborg

I utterly hate this Sheldon tier Flash

what were they fucking thinking


>the others can move away silently but super fast
>the guy that can actually move super fast has the electricity sounds

>no Martian Manhunter
>no Green Lantern


the fuck were they thinking

Goddam, you're scared shitless aren't you? I can smell your desperate NEETsweat through my screen.

That clip, that classic Batman theme.

Why does cyborg walk like a thug? why does he always have a constipated expression?

Scared of what?

>>no Green Lantern

Already leaked by early screenings to be in it, though I heard they make GL look like shit.

>is the flash, they vanished


>all those quips in a 1 minute clip
I'm never watching a capeshit film again.

That batman landing was kind of weird.

The Quip League


because hes black, cant answer the second one though. Cyborg and Gadot are absolutely terrible actors.

Flash although his character seems annoying, at least the guy can act.

Everything but Batman (gordon, butler, etc) looks absolutely terrible in this fucking movie.

Why are they not showing superman when they already showed his ressurection at the end of BvS. Makes no fucking sense. The only Cavill theyve officially shown is a dream sequence, why? Complete fucking incompetence from Warner once again

"So the ape might still be alive"



Legit looks like a scene out of one of the CW shows

HOLY SHIT this looks fucking HORRIBLE

How the fuck did Cyborg get past the concept phase let alone get fully animated, he looks fucking ridiculous

Nailed it. Couldn't quite put my finger on it, but yeah.

I wish they stayed in the Greek tier aesthetics...

shit happens, I thought robocop2 was bad, but how did we devolve.

Why does this shit look like a TV show?

jk simmons is a tv actor now + bad cgi

It'll never get old to me how neo-nazis are vapid celebrity gossipers and type shit like "could of." You truly are the lowest example of our species, and you're all closeted gays which just adds to the hilarity.


her accent is crap that why people hate her

This clip is awful, the timing is all off. Why doesn't anyone in hollywood understand the importance of pacing?

>neo-nazis are vapid celebrity gossipers and type shit like "could of."
This. They're always in the celebrity worship threads too.

case capeshit is not real cinema,it is action masterbation

If this scene was longer and had a few more awful moments it would be as iconic as the CIA scene.

Some shitty and redundant cuts

You forgot to mention the editing. Flash starts looking weird for no reason when she's talking, than cuts to her at the end of her sentence.

Unless they edited out some parts for the clip.

This looks like garbage desu. Looked so unnatural when Batman jumped down. Also Batman solo movie when. all these guys are shit except affleckman.

You just assumed that user was a neo-nazi just because they said she was ugly and had questionable grammar. You're projecting shit onto someone you don't even know because of a handful of dumb assholes in the thread. Congrats, now you're a dumb asshole too.


Cyborg looks like dogshit

The weirdest part was when Wonder woman is talking and for some reason it cuts to a shot from between two objects and the sketch composite Gordon hands them is so goofy.

I also just noticed that as batman says "not enough" a lightning bolt strikes which is laughably cheesy.

they cut away from gadot's awful acting.

>You just assumed that user was a neo-nazi
How much you wanna bet you have at least two nazi imagery folders, user?

Thinking she's ugly alone doesn't make you a neo-nazi. It makes you very likely gay and also probably clinically retarded, but not a nazi. Thinking she's ugly on this shithole of a board however means you're almost definitely a neo-nazi piece of disgusting human fucking filth that needs to go back to his human filth failed abortion containment board.

how much you wanna bet you have at least two anarcho communist imagery folders, user?

>iconic Snyderesque 360 degrees, slow-motion shot of the triumphant League assembling itself after defeating a great cosmic evil and saving planet Earth...
>...Batman slips on a banana peel and lets out a loud fart during his fall
>Flash quips in "huh-oh, I guess this is Bat-zinga!" Aquaman and Wonderwoman's laugh
>cue Hans Zimmer temp track
>directed by Joss Whedon

>that child-like police sketch of a parademon

This is going to be The Room of capeshit, isn't it

>oh hi superman

It's okay to be white.

Also why is the flash shocked to see that they all left? he would have seen them leave... I've watched this clip like 5 times now holy shit it's so fascinatingly bad.


It's okay to be white

>isn't actually white

Why is a skellington dressed as wonder woman?

>n-not Sup Forums by the way, haha


t. mudblood

three folder then, and a che "exterminate the gay away" guvara tshirt and "matchiung anitfaschistaktion panties and flag"?

t. mad mudslime

it is okay to be white

>recognizing elfman
yeah this batman always looks so awkward
maybe were just not used to seeing him well lit?

Wait what, was that the fucking Burton Batman theme I just heard?

The thing you hilariously don't understand is that people don't think the phrase "It's okay to be white" is inherently racist, it's that only a racist would think it needs to be said.

>haha gays xD
And they say the left can't meme.

Yeah Elfman brought it back. The John William's Superman theme will be in this as well. He also changed up the Wonder Woman theme. It sounds better now.

It's the movement. For some reason they cgi'd batfleck for full body scenes. Why they just didn't use a stuntman, I dunno

it's okay to be white

It sounds worse unless you have a peanut for a brain

Whats great is that you dumbfucks took the bait

Is there any way this will be good? The tone is so different than Batman vs. Superman. What the fuck is this?

>The tone is so different than Batman vs. Superman

you say that like it's a bad thing

>The John William's Superman theme will be in this as well
Fuck me even if the movie turns out complete shit, if that fucking theme plays while Supes comes back from the dead I'm going to cum buckets.

BvS was kino, it actually looked and felt like a movie rather than a 2hr TV episode

What did they do to the lighting?

angry your little commie jesus wasn't a progressive saint?

Are you fucking serious? I still can't believe there are people on Sup Forums that think DC is good to begin with

that batman voice is even more ridiculous than Nolan movies

Nah it sounds way better. Fuck Hans and his autistic fans.

> they cgi'd batfleck for full body scenes
get the fuck out of here! absurd

do movies still use wires? theyd give him a quick ninja speed takeoff while being able to soften the landing

I loved the Snyder films but this just looks bad.

I like her accent. It's exotic.

wtf is wrong with flash in this scene? is he constipated?
Also, are they going to fix the robotic murmuring?

I can tell from the animation and from playing quite a few videogames in my time. Also look at the clip when batman is standing on his car and then looks up. The cgi is more obvious there

Damn fucking kike

Cyborg never had one in the cartoon either

Looks like he's on a wire. It's really poorly done.

That and the music, I feel like this is placeholder but it's probably not. It's really weird to have those classic themes pop up after two movies where we got new, original music for both Bats and Supes.


holy shit
youre right
we have a full cgi batman

>soundtrack starts powerful and heroic
>goes to shit ten seconds in
Silence would be a more kino choice desu.

I only noticed one.

It's almost like Joss Whedon has purposefully ruined this film to end the DC franchise for good. It's almost laughably bad.

If he winds up directing another Marvel film I think we can safely say this is a conspiracy.

I can understand why they wouldn't use Fatfleck for full body shots but using cgi instead of a body double is attack of the clones tier

the new arkham game looks sick

>It's almost like Joss Whedon has purposefully ruined this film to end the DC franchise for good.

Sorry kid, no jews allowed here

either they didn't want to do more cgi or they hated reynolds lantern. cyborg is a fag and he's probably just going to fly a plane the whole time.

It's no mistake this is so shockingly different from the two other Snyder films.

Those films thematically wiped the floor with Wedon's tripe; now he has the reigns of the franchise that cucked him as an artist. Who's to say he didn't fuck around with it a bit?

>Flash starts looking weird for no reason

It's clearly the first time he has seen cyborg retard. Before that, cyborg only interacted with WW and turned her down about joining thengroup. It's why she is happy to see him turn up and why flash is like what the fuck is that thing with a floating nigger head.

Jesus is capeshit really too much for you retard?

Bet that played funnier in your head autist

