Songbird push when?

songbird push when?

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Already happening. She's been in multiple episodes of Avengers Assemble as well as a few mobile games and Lego Marvel games.

When Songbird gets in a better comic right now since she is stuck in Thunderbolts by diet Liefeld

That's not songbird. That's birdy the mighty.

Birdy DECODE was good.



>expect Carol wankery
>get Songbird as best Avenger

Why is every version of Birdy either canceled immediately or paced like ass?

It is likely cancelled since Karla and Erik are part of the Masters of Evil

>Birdy The Mighty will never air on Toonami

>The OVA Will never have a BD release
>Decode will never have a BD release
>S3 Never


S2 was a bit disappointing. Added new characters and plotlines without resolving the ones left from season 1, and the animation was awful since they didn't have enough money.
But at least it gave use the continuation of the manga.


>animation was awful

it was great, but not for something like Birdy.

>When Songbird gets in a better comic
It is a crime they took her away from Marvel's best writer.

I get the whole mind fuck thing...but why would Erik ever be part of the Masters again? Fuck that.

It was less a problem of bad animation because budget and more of badly drawn because lack of time.

They fixed some stuff in the DVD, like sone tweeks in that eerie scene in episode 7.

I mean, it did had issues, but not without reason. Akane and co did a goid job with what they had.

Also, it kind of is an style choice sometimes. Noeis also looked weird at times.

Also, cool music by Yugo Kanno.

quality art

Shit writing.


Avengers Assemble character design is complete ass. Wacker should had pushed for a change when he took over.

Why are you po/a/sting on Sup Forums?

Just get it in PAL, it's natively in progressive scan, and a very good transfer overall.

The animation was cleaned up somewhat for the home video release.



Toonami is shit anyways.


I want some Songbird lewds.

I can't believe EMH got cancelled for this shit. I am rewatching the show for the 11th fucking time, god damn is it great


that's a cute guy!
oh, the character's a girl. still good.

God I really hope Birdy isn't dead as a franchise

They cancelled the efficient-market hypothesis?

>Birdy ends up in the Marvel Universe.
>Joins GOTG

Are you reading the manga? Anyone? It's still being scanlated. It blew my expectations out of the water and it's now one of my all time favorites. It's 100x better than the anime.

Birdy works best as a street-level character.

Gomez is best dad ever.

Punisher crossover when?


>Also, cool music by Yugo Kanno.

Side Birdy too good

Is there any way to read the original or just the Tetsuwan Birdy (II) version?


According to the director, it wasn't a budget or scheduling issue. He just gave his young animators more freedom in the second season. A number of them come from a web-animation background hence their works sometimes looked rough and prioritized flashiness over proper draftsmanship.

>mango better than animu
In your opinion.


This webm got me to buy the series. Wasn't disappointed.

its one of my top 10 for sure

>It's 100x better than the anime.

How and why?

(another user)
I am going to guess mango elitism.

That's what I fear. I can't imagine anything about it begin better without animation.

Manga elitists are faggots and manga doesn't even have anything better than the best anime. Whenever they're challenged on this they act like there's some super secret mangu that I don't know about that's super good, because there's just so many of them there has to be, but which they can't actually name.

But you see, my dear user, you can put more story stuff in mango, which automatically makes it better, because more is always better.

>the animation was awful
>birdy S2

Are you fucking retarded?

>manga doesn't even have anything better than the best anime.

Goodnight Punpun is on par with the best anime and wouldn't work well as a TV series.

>I'm going to call other people elitists when I literally admit to being an animation elitist
While this series has good animation, shit like Jojo where you basically are watching a motion comic with about 5 minutes of actual animation (I mean beyond characters walking around etc) the manga is so much more preferable.

>While this series has good animation

Yes, that's precisely my point. I wouldn't be saying this is that wasn't a huge point in favor of the Birdy anime.

The main advantage to comics/manga over animation is that the reader controls viewing pace, be it that they can read a monologue faster than a VA can deliver it, or that they want to look at a page for 5 minutes to absorb the detail where it would be only a few seconds animated. This is an undeniable advantage. I also think that many manga are stylized artistically in a way that is never properly replicated by animation. Berserk immediately springs to mind with this.
This may just be me, but I also find that I am way more willing to put down a book in the middle of an issue than I am to stop an episode of something in the middle and come back. For whatever reason I have a much easier time remembering and getting back into the media if it's written.

Don't forget:
>The manga will never be officially translated.

Viz technically owns the rights, but they couldn't bother to push out more than 2 volumes of Patlabor back in 2000.

>the reader controls viewing pace,

This is the biggest plus for me. There's lots of reasons why it's a good thing but here's one example: In a animated series if there's a shy character they take forever to say anything and trip over their lines and it eventually becomes extremely frustrating as it grids the pace of dialogue to a halt. If it's written it takes the same amount of time to read as anything else. Written st-st-stammering doesn't feel like a waste of time in the same way. It's a minor thing but it makes a big difference to my enjoyment.

Arguing if animation or comics are better is kind of stupid though. Some stuff works better one way and some stuff works better the other.


Even though Black Lagoon was manga first it works better as an anime. The voices add a lot to the series.

Gantz works well as a manga but not as an anime. The extra detail you can provide in manga adds a lot in this series and in the anime the battles feel padded for time even though they're extremely similar iirc.

I hope she is in MvC.