Sunday Symbiote Thread


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It's sorta hard to sympathies with a villain trying to go straight when they've been so graphically depicted as an amoral serial killer.




>The Symbiote can move through phone lines like fucking Ray Palmer
What...? How...? Why...?

All symbiotes have a long list of powers. Even when Venom first debuted, it almost seemed as if the writers were going out of their way to give him too many different abilities. In addition to all of the powers it inherited from Spider-Man, the Venom symbiote could cloak itself, poison others with its bite and steal the abilities of other superpowered individuals.

Oh, and it could also shrink itself down small enough to fit through a telephone wire.

The Venom symbiote attached itself to Eddie Brock’s ex-wife Anne Weying on a number of occasions, but the second time was certainly the flashiest. As part of an attempt to lure Brock into an ambush, the NYPD used his ex-wife as a way to contact him. While on the phone with Brock, the symbiote traveled through the cables and bonded to Weying, allowing her to escape. Unfortunately, the experience traumatized Weying, and she committed suicide shortly thereafter.

Giving symbiote the ability to move through electrical wiring may seem silly, but remember: Venom’s spawn, Carnage, once downloaded himself onto the Internet.

>Carnage, once downloaded himself onto the Internet.
When the hell did that happen?

>>Carnage, once downloaded himself onto the Internet.
>When the hell did that happen?
I forgot issue number
