>Peter i can't believe you let that disgusting gook even look at me like that.
>if your uncle was here, god bless his white soul, he would have skinned that rice farmer where he stood.
unexpected but bold move to bring Raimi back for some select scenes, bravo Disney
Peter i can't believe you let that disgusting gook even look at me like that
>"im so sorryaunt may, isnt there anything i can do to make up for it?"
>"you'll just have to show me how sorry you are"
>*cut to incestual sex scene*
i feel like they were trying to hard to one up raimi here
>dont you wanna blanda up Peter?
I'm not sure what to make of this.
nah it was a reference to his organic web shooters, layers within layers
Yeah it felt a little on the nose when Peter looked into the camera as he was cumming and said "at least I'm not fucking a nigger."
>peter, i dont care if shes cute, you need to preserve your race. i guess ill have to tech you why thats important myself
christ disney
>don't marry a nigger pete
>by god, look at my life, turned to dealing alien weapons to support a gold digging sheboon and her rugrat
>i mean you saw her, you think she looks mixed?
>don't do it pete, i swear if you don't leave my daughter at this prom, i will kill you
>i'll kill you, and everyone you love
>to keep our race from impurity
vulture was in the right
>Peter, you're... really blossoming
>What does that meant Aunt May?
>Get your cock out and I'll show you
bold move Raimi
I love Raimi posting