Lori is for __________.
Lori is for __________
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Sister advice
Lewd because she's the oldest
People who like shit taste (including Bobby). Superior sister coming through.
Does this show even have a solid fanbase outside Sup Forums
Nope, barely any on Tumblr as well other than the drawfags.
That's sad
It embarrasses me that I cared for this shit for 5 months straight
One of Nick's top rated shows apparently.
if this was the 90's this show would be one of those forgotten kids shows people talk about now
For nothing.
She's just a bunch of doodles on a piece of paper.
That's a shame. It's a cute show.
implying there aren't dozens of fan accounts on tumblr for LH
Jacking off to and crying because you realize that you've sunk so low that you're now jacking it to children's cartoons
It's probably because of the incest and porn that drives everyone away. Google Images seem to track Booru posts, which end up with people finding these: youtu.be
Well, there probably actual children who watch this like they are supposed to, but they don't form cult-like 'fan bases' like internet people do
>90% of this shit was made in the /trash/ threads
holy fuck this fanbase really is non existent
Fandoms are a poison.
But if properly controlled they keep the stories alive
>This is what fantards actually believe
Then why is that there is barely any thread about TLH on Sup Forums?
>incest and porn
Doesn't help that they take it to toddlercon levels.
Because it's banned on Sup Forums if episodes aren't currently airing. Just like SU and SvtFoE and My Little Pony.
>Just like SU and SvtFoE and My Little Pony.
In any case, I undestand you point for those shows being literally raped by SJWs and obsessed retard, but I still think fandoms is what make their universes expand and endure time, besides from sometimes differ from their original vision. Good drawfags and writefags only originate if there is a public. Of course, cringe artists too, but still. It's cancer with little diamonds or nothing instead.
Why's that bird so mad?
Cartoons are at an all time low nowadays on the chans due to imagaboards becoming Anime-centric again, but outside of the Imageboards things are different, the loud house is watched by tons of kids.
>there's still people who come to Sup Forums of all places and can't handle a little loli lust
There is a lot of "non-grata shows", in fact there is more tv stuff than cartoon stuff nowadays, I don't mind Sup Forums stuf though, much better than "why are cartoon girls so ugly *posts smug moe blob*" threads.
I hate how sissy our Janitors and mods are, either that or are huge weeaboos themselves.
>Cartoons are at an all time low nowadays on the chans due to imagaboards becoming Anime-centric again
>There is a lot of "non-grata shows", in fact there is more tv stuff than cartoon stuff nowadays
When did this start to happen?
>I am okay with the tv stuff
You and people like you are the problem. Take t.v to Sup Forums. Why the fuck else have the board
Sup Forums is tangentially related to Sup Forums Anime is like opposite of Sup Forums at least the animated part of Sup Forums
I am not ok with Sup Forums being here, but is not AS BAD, that's what I was saying.
For example I hate how Sup Forums threads push old Sup Forums threads I wanted to post on when I get back home from work.
Around November last year, I don't know why, maybe some generational gap?
There's a facebook fanbase with a lot of groups (mostly spics), there's an ifunny fanbase, a small reddit fanbase, fanbase on deviantart, a tumblr fanbase, an instagram fanbase, twitter.
hate fucking
GROPING! & Smell her hair!
Lemme stop you right there, OP.
Can someone explain to me the appeal of the show aside from waifushit
source of picture? Reverse search gives nothing
Why is there always that one faggot who has to ask this question in every thread?
It's a fucking cartoon, it entertain's you. Why the fuck do you think kids and normies watch it you fucking mong?
Becoming a woman.
Comic style art and animation is pretty smooth. Decent slapstick. Characters interact well together despite the at times predictable resolve at the end of each episode. Fan art is also cool.
Lewd selfies
by the looks of this thread? lori is for identifying shit stains on the underwear of humanity.
As a half Asian, half white boy, I can only just Imagine how sweet their skin would taste like and how their golden hairs would smell, I think of honey and a scent of vanilla, those big calarts cheeks beg to be kissed aggressively, while I put my whole 4 inch manhood inside their beautiful Teutonic bodies as we copulate.
Seriously, either Leni or Lori would be a perfect fit for a 5' 4" tall half Asian half white boy as I am.
It's Nicks highest rated cartoon at the moment besides Spongebob so it has a large following. They just aren't as vocal.
Elliot Rogers is that you?
I am a half Asian half White boy and I DO NOT approve this message.
THIS. It fucking sucks being one of the few fans of this show with actual good taste
Hitchcock, Would Be Proud!
looks like this artist
the lynn at least
Drawfriend, a controversial drawfag from /tlhg/ on /trash/ and Nelauk/Sorophore, a random from tumblr. It's a collab pic.
>this argument in here about a non-existent fandom
>higher TV ratings than Spongebob, almost twice as many as SU and three times as many viewers as SvTFOE
>one of the fastest growing boorus, already surpassed SvTFOE booru and is fast approaching Gravity Falls booru which has a three year head start
Fact is, Loud House has one of the largest fanbases of any western cartoon out right now. It encompasses a wide range of viewers, from kids to adults. It's one of the only cartoons right now that is weathering the massive cable TV ratings slump that has sent shows like Gumball and Adventure Time to sub-1million series lows.
Sup Forums is a board of no more than a few thousand users, if that, this board has been steadily dying since 2013 due to all the shitty moderation. The vast majority of users in threads like /sug/ are crossboard cancer from Sup Forums or Sup Forums that have no real vested interest in animation.
>Superior sister coming through.
Ain't that the truth.
>I'm so fucked up.jpeg
impossible not love Leni.
>ratings = fandom
Yeah, no. Ratings only depict whoever has a Nielsen box and was able to watch the episode when it was airing, it has nothing to do with its population. Cable providers also just seem to have Nick and Disney Channel while CN is an afterthought. One reason SU and AT keeps draining is because 1) They keep putting it on an inconsistent schedule and keep changing the timeslots for them. 2) Turner somehow is unable to stop leaking their shows online before it reaches television, and this happens to every CN show. The actual fanbase for TLH is either young children or us.
Saying thanks to
Lewd sister love?
Waifu fags are the scum tainting the animation industry their infantile attachment to fictional characters is bringing the quality of works to a new level of low, just look at what happened to japan they can't make a show without some retarded child because otherwise it won't get any attention, that's right, waifufags are most likely pedophiles in disguise.
I think its more the lore days destroying the industry
I want to unwrap her.
>leaks and poor scheduling
This sort of shit only applies to premiere ratings. The Loud House has gotten successful rerun ratings, which in turn earns it a solid timeslot on the channel. Either way, if you're only talking about a couple of thousand neckbeards and terrawalrusii on Sup Forums and tumblr downloading the leaks, most of whom don't even have Nielsen boxes (let alone kids, to even get them factored into the ratings), you're only talking about a barely measurable drop in viewers to begin with.
> waifufags are pedophiles in disguise
Nice nonsensical rhetoric, could have used more buzzwords though.
Nielsen ratings are the only thing that matters to advertisers, who pay for these shows to keep airing.