>Mark Hamill says he fundamentally disagrees with every aspect of Luke Skywalkers character in TLJ and was insulted by the way the character was treated >Hamill also says Luke doesn't even fight in TLJ >Hamill had to make up his own backstory for what happened since the film doesn't give one to Luke
>"In this new one, I was saying to Rian Johnson: I need to know my backstory," Hamill noted. "It was kind of unclear. You read where he is now and what he's doing now and sort of have to fill in the blanks for yourself. So I did do a backstory myself. It's not about Luke anymore, so it's not really important. But I had to make sense of it for myself."
Him not fighting was at one of those star wars shows on youtube somewhere
Adrian Hughes
>70% cut of ticket sales this is just a whole new level of evil
Angel Bell
Fuck Disney tbqh
Jaxson Kelly
Here's a tip about Hamill-- to this day, Kathleen Kennedy regrets casting him as luke since he'''s an awful fuckign actor and they tried to do it on the cheap so they could afford harrison ford and all the special effects and had no idea it would be as big as it was.
Kevin Sullivan
>says Luke doesn't even fight in TLJ fucker would still be living in a trailer park if they hadn't brought him back for a payday. Thanks for giving away plot info you shitbag.