What is the worst thing the Joker has ever done outside of The Killing Joke?

What is the worst thing the Joker has ever done outside of The Killing Joke?

Beating Jason Todd to death with a crowbar while his mother watched.

Steal that one kid's report card.

Not be raped by the Batman.

He tricked Superman into killing his pregnant wife then nuked Metropolis.

He didn't give money to the IRS on time

Eating everyone in China.

Giving his face to a crazy bitch who all the normies thought was Harley Quinn.

Was going to post this one. He was just going to be hungry a half hour later anyway

That time he used Joker gas on babies and maybe pic related.

Nuked Metropolis

When he raped Guy Fawkes.

He joker gassed babies?

Fuck thats gotta be the winner

he also boiled a guy's baby alive and forced him, at gunpoint, to drink the remains.

When the guy was reasonably upset, batman broke his left arm and told him to get over it.

Wasn't there some alternative universe Joker where he found his father, cut him apart, and made him into a classic "brain in a jar" helltrap where he had to watch some video played over and over?

Well let's be honest it's kind of that guy's fault for raising a child in a city populated by costumed psychopaths

Didn't he rape a girl while her dad watched or was in the same vehicle with

Convince the world he didn't exist

She wasn't his mother, though.

I found his depiction in GCPD pretty nasty.

Be predictably boring.

Trying to copyright fish.
What the fuck old joker.

Fuck me
Gonna need some evidence of that friendo

Maybe not the worst, but what he did to Tim in the Batman Beyond Return of the Joker special was quite evil. He tortured and brainwashed a child nothing less and even posthumously haunted him and took control of him again later on in his life.

I almost teared up when Tim began crying.

>When he converted to Islam and became Iran's ambassador.
>When he made a damaged tattoo on his forehead.

>Openly mocks him while in jail right in his face
>Everything he ever loved, gone
>Puts his hand through his chest
>"Whoa, never thought Superman would do that!"

Not liking Hostess fruit pies


The cops sayng to kids that this is made of real fruit is the real crime

I love how in wold comics the villain aways talk alone like schizo's, but heroes can provide exposition with thinking dialogue ballons instead

Trick Superman into killing Lois

Making Boners

He didn't do that much in Killing Joke, when compared to shit like that endgame event.


>the villain aways talk alone like schizo's
At least in Jokers case, it is appropriate.

When he put salt into my tea and stayed out past curfew.

>People you love tend to blow up, don't they?
>I know it's soon but do you think you will ever love again?. Maybe next time you won't kill your next family

Joker lines in that part were somewhat good

became an edgy fap symbol to every edgy kid in the world, tho I guess Nolan and Ledger are more to blame for this.

making Sup Forums cry on a daily basis.

A cake

I think it was one of his goons.

And what was so bad in Killing Joke aside of killing poor guy who owned that park?

>the mother was OK with it
>Joker then was contacted personally by the Ayatolla
>Became the ambassador of Iran in a plot to gas the UN

That was a weird arc.

Yes, it was the wife of his goon, Johny Frost.

Though it's from Azarello's elseworld in which Lex Luthor had sex with his robotic superhero girl.

>the plan almost succeeds, but Superman - somehow - anticipated everything, and, in disguise as a security guard, inhales all of the gas and flies off.

Why didn't he just go back to school to ask for a new card instead of the one he "lost"?

I can't wait until the movies bring up that detail.

He was a muslim for a while

Jokers raped lots of people, including one of the robins but I don't follow Batman so I can't remember which one.

When he starred in the animated version of The Killing Joke.

Suicide Squad.

Shut the fuck up, Boco.

Yes sir...

Injustice Joker is a really underrated version.

> Joker has no the against torturing a little white boy
> But alignment with a Nazi is where he draws the line

>When the guy was reasonably upset, batman broke his left arm and told him to get over it.

Fuck off, really?

The time he was upset about Batman's boner on him.

Byrne's Golden Age Joker /=/ Starlin's Death in The Family Joker

Shot Baarbera, also people somehow infer that Joker raped her too. Forced Gordan to look at the pictures of what he did to Barbera.

Got Batman to actually laugh.

>Shot Baarbera
Still alive and let's be honest, she could kill him and prevent this kind of shit a lot of times.

Well, there was that one time he cut at the buffet and then continued to lift the sneeze guard and sneezed all over the food. Seriously that guy was a real monster.

Remember that time he invited everyone to a hovercraft ride and the the hovercraft was full of eels?

Creating his girlfriend.

Honestly, after pic related, Joker ain't got shit on her.


well yeah, he's Jewish.

As a voter for Todd's death, I'd rate that as one of the best things he has ever done actually.

Weird how after pic related, DC still insists on trying to sell Harley as a misunderstood antihero who never REALLY did anything wrong.

She blew up children. No rebounding from that.

Creating Harley Quinn

They infer that because the pictures you see involve her getting more and more naked as she lays there paralyzed. There is honestly no reason to think that, as with other times involving joker, things didn't go much further but they could only outright show so much.


Why do I not remember this happening?

Was it during the Emperor Joker arc?

somehow this is worse than gassing babies
it's taking children's innocent joy and crushing it along with them

>Because I don't like them
This is some Heath Ledger shit the madman

Yeah, and he had some of the best costumes as well.
And he's my main.

holy shit

>let's make her a role model for the teenage masses!