"Han i knew Yoda years ago"
Other urls found in this thread:
"This crazy adventure we're having is almost as WEIRD and FUN and FOR ALL AGES as the one we had just a few years before we met Luke"
"chewie will your wife and kid not wonder where you are"
Skywalker...rawrrr...now that I think if it, there was a famous Jedi general called Skywalker, who won almost every battle he fought in.
>I thought the Jedi were mythical?
Nah brah, I fought alongside their leader in the Clone Wars.
>Y-you did?
Yeah...rawrrr...I'm actually quite a big deal. I was General Tarfful's right-hand man and helped lead the Wookie forces at the Battle of Kashyyyk.
>No shit?
No shit, Han. I don't talk about it much because I'm modest af.
"han I seen several jedi on hologram chat"
What is Emilia Clarke doing there
They patched that plothole by having Chewbacca's memory deleted by Bail Organa at the end of RotS
It's like you didn't even bother to watch the movie
>not only that
>i am actually personally responsible for getting yoda off of the planet safely
>"Say Anakin, have their been any developments on the whereabouts of your apprentice; Ahsoka Tano? She was a huge part of your life, so I hope she turns up. While we're on the subject, why does no one seem to mention her? Also, why does no one bring up how Darth Maul and his brother caused havoc in the galaxy as well?"
>"I seriously need to get some vacation so I can visit my gf, the Queen of Mandalore."