I don’t get the hate. I liked it. McConaughey stole every scene he was in
Movies ONLY you liked
It was okay, but you gotta admit some parts were pretty cheesy.
Also, pic related. Noone else likes it.
>McConaughey stole every scene he was in
ironic since he's starring with a black guy
>tfw read the books
that's the loosest adaptation.
Oh sure I’ll admit that . It’s nowhere near perfect. But I enjoyed it despite its flaws
He was the only redeeming quality of that movie, otherwise it was an insane jumble of “hey king fans, you know what a dark tower is right?!?” And proceeds to shit all over a good story( with an admittedly shit ending, so I guess the book and the movie do have a little in common) It was over all a prime example of Hollywood taking something nice and useing the most basic of plot details to make an incredibly bland movie hoping to make money based on famous actors and the fame of the author alone.
TL;DR I mad
I mean I like the original more obviously but I had fun time with laughs.
Awesome, very enjoyable film, once you get past the boring beginning
Superb film by a great director