Why does DC insist on ruining Watchmen's legacy?

Why does DC insist on ruining Watchmen's legacy?

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because you deserve it

yes you personally

It's a shit comic written by a hack writer. Who cares?

If DK can survive DK2, Watchmen can survive anything.

Just cherrypick your canon. The majority of the new books are going to be forgotten in 5-7 years anyways.

Because the moment they don't do anything with Watchmen Moore gets the rights back.

Money on the idiots who are stupid enough to buy into it.
I already know two people who fell for this shit.

Donkey Kong 2 wasn't that hard of a game

Because at some point along the line DC realized having artistic integrity didn't make you nearly as much money as peddling cheap shit to jackasses that think Rorschach is a hero and take the story completely at face value.

>Implying Rorschach did anything wrong