Art for Art's Sake

Art does not attain value or importance by being "political" or worthy.

Comics should not be about politics, they should be about stories and characters.

Political agenda pushing is the opposite of the creative process, which is about exploration and evolution. That process does not happen when you decide on the meaning of a story before you even begin writing it, given themes and messages often are most potent when they emerge naturally out of the creative process.

When you make comics, or any other creative medium, a servant of politics, you contaminate the medium.

Art should exist for it's own sake, not to push a "worthy" cause.

Writers who insist on "worthiness" do so because they are ashamed of the medium, they don't consider creativity worthwhile in and of itself. You hear this nauseating shit from movie and game critics, who muse about how "this is IMPORTANT" as if a work of fiction's importance is defined by the real world.

Creativity is about escaping form the mundane, whereas drenching it in politics reduces it to the mundane, the dreary.

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, comics should look up at the stars, not dwell in the gutter of politics.

If you're expecting "art for art's sake" in MARVEL, then you are dumb.

I don't think that any form of fiction should operate in a vacuum, ignoring the world. It just has to be intelligent and interesting.

One of my favorite comics of all time (Ex Machina) is heavy on politics. One of the best current comics (Deathstroke) isn't ashamed to talk about politics or social issues. Half of Will Eisner's works talked about antisemitism.

Dictating what "art" or fiction should or shouldn't do is idiotic.

Nice debating skills.

>Marvel is now talking too much about politics and their comics are bad, therefore f they stop with politics their comics will become good.

No, motherfucker.

>Marvel chose to be political while being very bad, therefore they should at least get their shit together before trying to add another layer into their stories.

You don't get define what art is you fascist fuck.


Art has always been political you moron, because art tends to be about about conveying some message or point across, and those points are frequently political.

You wanna tell me Euripides's plays weren't true art because he discussed the status of women in Athenian society? Or that Tolstoy wasn't art because he wrote about the social issues of Czarist Russia? Or that Alan Moore doesn't do art because he talked about the dangers of fascism in Britain?

No. Because you don't want art. You want your own little comic safe space that will never challenge you or make you think. And you know what, that's fine. But call it what it is, and art is not it.

Look at this triggered snowflake.

Art should be whatever you want. You shouldn't tell people what to make, nor should others dictate what you should make. There's only one real rule of art. Make it to the best of your abilities.

And yeah, this guy says it best:

You want to be political? Fine. But, first learn to not make shit. No one will listen to a so called "intellectual" if the speaker's a moron with low video production quality (see Moviebob).

Didn't read all that but nah art and comics have been political for a long ass time. However it's a perfectly fine opinion to dislike or criticize political comics just don't delude yourself into thinking it's new or shouldn't be.