Gunnerkrigg Court

>Mystery Solved.

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Red's going to give her the name.

Red's going to fffffffffffuck it up.

>hey B-
>*steps in gum*
>Ah shit!

yeah, I can't see this working out.

I suspect her name's going to be an insult or something

They will let Red choose the name?

>that outfit
I want Ms Carver to be my mommy!

That would imply the court is happy to see Jeann destroyed. But they put her there in the first place.
>is called red
>dresses like someone from communist China
Poetry in motion

>bullying your mother

>leave for a month and a half because almost taken by my mother country's retarded conscription system despite me having a green card
>smitty is fine
>red and blue are still alive
>There's no consequences
>the arc that took years to even get to is finished in the most half assed manner possible
I should have let them take me.

>>There's no consequences
Maybe read the damn chapter