Is this a good movie?

Is this a good movie?

its good for JK Simmons.
its a bit reddit on toast, though.

>reddit on toast

Because he had to work hard to succeed instead of just showing up and being white?


Teacher is a fucking retard. No good jazz drummer would come out of that kind of training. Its all about improvisation

It's a great movie. The last five minutes make it and give me chills

Yes, but all the contrarian shits here think it's Reddit on toast. Good movie, OP, and worth your time

no, because "work hard to succeed" was reduced to playing really hard with your hands and being lol so crazy
it's a good movie for a cheap thrill but there's nothing beyond that

Fucking excellent. Probably one of the most satisfying endings in all of modern cinema.

It's not quite my tempo

Yeah, everyone knows that "work hard to succeed" is just doing, you know, normal white guy stuff. You just be a normal, chill, white guy and you get the success. That's how the world works. And if it stops working that way it must be a nigger's fault.

Nowadays working hard to success means competing against the whole globe on international scale, so I don't think whiteness matters that much. What matters is how much you pay for google to get your shit appear before other peoples shit

>Nowadays working hard to success means competing against the whole globe on international scale, so I don't think whiteness matters that much.

Americans don't live in the real world.

what the actual fuck are you even going on about, how is that at all related to what I just said

Nah it's totes pretentious, who even listens to jazz lmao
I hope they get Simmons on the next Spider-Man movie, his talent is wasted on this hipster fest

Americans compete with chinese, south asian, europeans and russians so I don't see why they wouldn't live in real world. If you want to start, lets say a successful clothing company or musical equipment store, then you need to compete with the whole globe. Or if you want to be the best drum player, you have to play better than thousands of koreans showing up in talent shows every year around the globe


so Sup Forums isnt the opposite of Sup Forums?


Decent movie,nothing special about it

Fuck koreans. Why it's always koreans?

it is ridden with cliches and the ending makes very little sense, if it were a movie about boxing I could stomach it, but it does not understand jazz

Kys you autist.

Yeah it's very good OP

MOTY 2014

Boring garbage

i played drums for about 10 years and been playing piano all my life

being able to keep tempo is something you are born with and jazz is a meme genre anyway

playing metal is a million times more difficult and they dont even use teachers, this whole movie completely misrepresents how music is created and taught, same way hollywood always mischaracterizes hacking, warfare etc

Lost me at that second line. As a drummer Jazz is not easy and metal is.
t. Teach HS Percussion

It misinterprets drummer by making them look like badasses when in reality where all autists worrying about keeping time and the rest is dealt with sting with our dicks in our hands.