It's my old mans birthday tomorrow. Recommend me a film(s) to buy him

Pic related is his favourite. He also liked Nolan's Dunkirk

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition

Some films he didn't like are: Bladerunner, Alien, I Daniel Blake, and The Hateful eight.
He usually likes Tarantino films though, and also is a big fan of Ridley Scott's Kingdom Heaven

His tastes are all over the place, he sounds like a retard.

Buy him some a dvd of "Bridge on the river kwai" or "the man who would be king"

2001: A Space Oddysey or Clockwork Orange

The Thing

My pa's god tier:

The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Die Hard saga
Terminator 2
That shitty movie about coastguards with Kevin Costner

He likes Bridge on the River Kwai, I'll get that other film, thanks. nothing wrong with liking what you like rather than having some manufactured "consistency"
He finds Clockwork too weird and I instinctively know he'd hate 2001
He actually said to me once that the Thing is one of the worst films he's ever seen. He said he found it so bad that it's funny

the thin red line

He likes all those films other than Aliens and the Kevin Costner guard film. Though he did like waterworld i ironically