Anyone else have a gay crush on double d when they were younger?

Anyone else have a gay crush on double d when they were younger?


Only when he was playing that instrument.

No but that's because I'm not a faggot

No, because he's the kinda bro you'd borrow homework from, not jack off with.

Double d is perfect husbando material.

who'd be the latter for you user

Shit I don't know, there aren't any male cartoon characters I wanted to fuck as a kid. I didn't even come to terms with being bisexual until my late teens.

>I didn't even come to terms with being bisexual until my late teens.

pray tell. I'm not a gei, just curious what pushed you over the edge

Freddie Benson

kek. oh user.

Freddie Benson guy isn't me. I've jacked off to all kinds of stuff ever since I was 13, and I managed to convince myself that just because I looked at gay porn sometimes didn't mean I was gay. Then when I was 16 I was willing to admit to myself that I'd fuck a muscular guy, and that I wasn't gonna label myself. But once you start getting off to other guys, you can't really claim you're 100% straight anymore. When I was like 6 I'd touch myself to the bun wrestling scene in Spongebob, don't ask me why I was masturbating before puberty.

>masturbating before puberty
This is actually pretty common in either gender, but most people don't remember doing it because they weren't doing it with any kind of intent.

>When I was like 6 I'd touch myself to the bun wrestling scene in Spongebob, don't ask me why I was masturbating before puberty.


I know it's fucked up and probably hilarious, but there was a Spongebob thread in /y/ a couple weeks ago and even I'm not that depraved. It had like 200 posts in it.

dude I did much more fucked up things in my youth/early adolescence, yours is just hilarious.

Yeah, I'll give you that. I also did it to more mundane stuff like Jessica Rabbit and Totally Spies as a kid, just saying. But now you've got me curious as to how fucked up your youth was.

I want to BULLY him!

Me too, thought I was the only one.

I used to have a reoccurring dream where I would pull off his hat and call him double DWEEB over and over until he started crying. God it felt good.

>Not Double Dork
You're not worthy.

When I was really young I used to get my baby brother to sit on my face. I literally die inside when I think about doing this.

when I was around 11-12 I had my friends younger sister sit on my lap a bunch of times and got hard, I touched her leg one time. I'll never forgive myself for this either.

only spilled this shit on Sup Forums, I've never told anyone else besides my mom about the second thing.

these might not sound too big a deal but I have an issue with letting these two things go, everything else embarrassing I did as a teen/kid I couldn't give less of a shit about. Also my life is pretty good, but these things haunt me. I'm being dramatic I know, but I hate my younger self for doing this shit so much.

No. I did think he was a girl for a while.

Kinda weird but not all that bad. Don't beat yourself up over it, you didn't molest anyone. I know it's probably easier said than done, but you need to learn to forgive yourself, they probably don't even remember it.

Wish I could man. Many one day I'll be able to forget about it.

>bun wrestling scene in Spongebob
>im not depraved

>Not that depraved
I might get off to some weird shit nowadays, but at least I'm not a grown man jacking off to Spongebob like those people.

>not exclusively fapping to spongeward

>pull off his hat and call him double DWEEB over and over until he started crying
I feel bad for laughing at this post

When I was just learning about sex around 10-11, I used to imagine what it'd be like to sneak into my brother's room and have sex with him while he was sleeping. I had no idea what the implications were and it was only when I got older that I looked back and realized how fucked up it was.

A lot of kids do/think shit like that.

I didn't, because I thought Double D was a girl.

When I was 13 I thought about that, but with my older sister. I knew it was fucked up, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

why would anyone?

When I was around twelve or thirteen me and my sister would take turns tying each other up in really elaborate ways and then trying to wiggle out.
We spent entire summer doing what sounds like a hentai intro, holy shit. I can't think about it without cringing, it now seems fetishy as fuck .
But back then it was all completely innocent to me.
Also my parents knew and was absolutely fine with us doing this.

That actually sounds kinda fun though.

knowing people are in a similar boat, even to a lesser extent makes me feel better, thanks. Weirdest thing about this whole ordeal is that I have no weird/fucked up fetishes as of today. I like some monsters girls, but that's about it.

Glad to hear it helps. There's a reason "playing doctor" is so common.

> I've never told anyone else besides my mom about the second thing.
Literally why?

>"when they were younger"
mate, he's literally perfect.