Venom #4 Storytime

Sup Forums has been pretty tame today. We need throw in some edge.




Nice nod to Flash.



Good use of continuity. The Baxter Building was where Venom was imprisoned, and now it belongs to Parker Industries, good reason for the Symbiote and Sasuke to dislike it.


Even if the Symbiote forgot Spider-Man's ID because of OMIT, shouldn't he have remembered it when he took over SpOck?

Might even be the first time Costa/Lowe/Lewis bothered to actually look something up.

Yes. Which is why the plot makes no sense.


Why didn't they take him somewhere where the Symbiote can be forcibly removed and interrogated?

Not sure what the FBI would do with any of Spider-Man's intel exactly. Nothing he says would help them arrest Fisk, and Spider-Man doesn't know where Black Cat or other fugitive criminals are or he'd already have gone after them.

According to Venom Space Knight, when the symbiote was purified, it forgot about its previous hosts



>Didn't Daredevil cripple Fisk once? And become Kingpin? And hasn't Castle fought Kingpin for 45 years?
>No! We need sources! And pictures! Pictures of Spider-Man!

But it remembers its previous hosts in the first issue of this series.

It didn't -forget- about them, the cleansing just fixed all the psychological damage they give the symbiote. It still remembers who its previous hosts were.

It's a pretty fucking huge coincidence that the Scorpion and Venom's new host both happen to be working for Black Cat and they were asigned to work together even though Black Cat's right-hand man didn't know about this connection.

This. In the Civil War II "tie in" (since it had virtually nothing to do with CW2), the symbiote even talks about how it remembers being bonded to Pete and talks about how it has changed since that time.

>scare a Daily Bugle reporter
>Dress in a robot suit

Like, isn't that just a regular Tuesday if you're on the crime beat at the Bugle? What would be scarier is the guy that doesn't show up in yellow two-ply mixed with spandex.

Its a really, really contrived plot. Just like how the symbiote can't just forcefully bond to a host if it chooses to (shown last issue with the FBI agent), despite never having that problem before.

>People questioning holes in Costa's writing.
You should know by now that he doesn't try.

How'd he get on the Marvel payroll anyway?

Whoops meant to reply to

>Asking questions about my organization
So fucking what? Your organization is UNDERGROUND, unlike Fisk, you're not pretending to be a normal rich citizen with a legitimate business, you're a wanted fugitive. Nothing he publishes could possibly hurt you.







>I knew you were hiding something!
THAT'S your first thought? Not "Holy shit, my Symbiote!"

No, see, Costa heard that phrase in a movie once, so he's repeating it here because that's what BADGUYS say!

Yeah, seriously. This COULD have been a cool scene, seeing what Gargan thinks of the symbiote after being separated for so long and what mental effect thats had on him, if any.

Instead we just get, "I knew you were hiding something!"

How does he not know who Scorpion is?


This whole series just reminds me of Venom - The Mace.

Worse yet, he says he knew Gargan in the first issue, right? How did he not know Gargan = Scorpion.

How so? The Mace wasn't anything like this at all.

His edge levels were so high he lost track of which dudes were literally costumed bad guys and which ones were just gang nicks.

These letters are either fake or hella cherrypicked. I'm leaning towards the former.

>Terrible writing
>"Stylized" art that looks shitty
>Garbage panel composition.
>"Please like my OC!"
>Edgy as fuck while the symbiote is treated as a great guy.



Youre' waifu a SHIT

this is retarded, even for Gargan

He's pretty damn stupid, don't underestimate him.

>Edgy as fuck while the symbiote is treated as a great guy.

Wut? The symbiote is shitted on constantly in this series.

I agree, Gargan is a fucking idiot. But even for Gargan, this is stupid.

Venom really has went through the wringer after agent venom ended.

That third shot all but confirms that they're trying to write "The Darkness" fanfiction.

How well is this selling?

Thanks, OP.

Mental Venom (Mentom?) is cute, CUTE!

I really like this design. Shame it's attached to this run.

>And didn't you used to sound a lot smarter?

Oh great, Venom is regressing back.

Wait, that's it?

He is so Edgy he is retconning Venom's purification.

I want to fuck that little twink venom.

Did the art just change?

By the narrative, retard.

When is Eddie coming back?

Issue 150

Not even. He's just having the symbiote go full retard.

Even in stuff like Separation Anxiety, the symbiote spoke in broken sentences. But it was highly intelligent.

Apparently Sandoval's edgy weeb-influenced art takes too long and they had to bring in a secondary artist to get the issue out on time.

What in the narrative says the symbiote is great? If anything, it just shows the symbiote being a whiny, helpless bitch.







I mean, Lee pretty much says that.

Are you fucking kidding me? What the actual fuck? This is straight up Darkness.

Are they gonna fuck?

That change of artist in the middle of the issue really rustled my jimmies.

Why should anyone care about this when we're all just waiting until Eddie comes back?

Who gives two shits about Lee?

Why couldn't they just keep Agent Venom and give this guy Toxin?

> I don't give a crap

Couldn't even a spare a grawlix for Edgehog, huh?

Why would you want to ruin Toxin like that?

Why are they going for full-on Darkness rip-off? I mean literally this is just the freaking Darkness in the MU.


reminder that venom has the worst fanbase on Sup Forums

>didn't you used
It's not just Venom that's unsmart it seems

Not while Steven Universe exists

What about the Carol Danvers Attack Team?

look, we all know for a fact that braaarpfags are the worst on Sup Forums. they aren't even human.

What is punisher?