You are given the ability to change any of the channels of pic related. What would you do?

You are given the ability to change any of the channels of pic related. What would you do?

Tell Dan Schneider to move on to feature length films, give Spingebill a proper ending, give Cartoon Network shows better animation budgets so everything doesn't have to look the same for the sake of cost efficiency, make Disney XD a basic cable network, and replace Disney Channel with a new version of Toon Disney that works like pre-graveyard era Nicktoons

have CN produce 1 miniseries every year or two

so you like otgw don't you?

change them into cute girls

Kill TTG, simple as that.

I change the channel

i'd kill off all live action shows, and acquire more european animated shows (like wakfu) and some obscure but decent canadian cartoons to fill the void where live action was

and voila, disney xd is jetix again

I would make CN return to this logo. I miss it so much :ยด(

I can already do that with my remote.

What, you don't?

>Nobody ever remembers this
>What an ironic title

they still use it though

Kick Dan to the curve and cancel the Sponge. Bring back more quality animation like there was back in the 90's and early 2000s.

Get rid of all the tweencom shit or at the very least

>Disney XD
Make this channel basic cable if you're going to relegate all the animation to it. Also try adapting post-Decade Kamen Rider for Disney XD. Once pic related wraps up it will be perfect for that channel's aesthetic. And maybe Fourze too if you want to cash in on encouraging STEM fields too.

>Cartoon Network
Make Boomerang basic cable, end TTG, give more love to the other shows in your roster and make it an irrevokable policy to never give one series the lion's share of airtime, each show gets a maximum two hours each and every day. Also do Master Control again.

What even was Jetix trying to do back in the day anyway?

i guess have diverse programming? it was an odd mishmash of anime, canadian, french, and american cartoons

If you're talking about the end bumper, they updated it

well it's still used at the end with the cartoon network studios bumper. it's not completely dead

>Make Boomerang basic cable
move to europe. it's basic cable and has an hd broadcast. plus they actually play old cartoons

Ah, you're right, my bad.

It's less OTGW and more CN giving a showrunner that amount of creative freedom for a limited series. Rebecca Sugar said off the top of her head that she'd want to do Pug Davis and that'd be fucking tight.

Having that kind of event programming also puts them in direct competition with Netflix instead of doing that stupid bomb format for the sake of binge-watching.

They can stay as they are for all I care, all I want is a new channel for animation fanatics like me.

>What a Cartoon anthology series with a bunch of all stars from the industry, and some up and coming talent, to determine the original programming
>push for artstyle and medium diversity (stop motion, even cel animation, no more calarts sameface)
>bumpers are all clever pieces of animation from famous animators around the world
>social media component for young animators, like newgrounds but with all sorts of resources for learning and direct contact with the teams working on the shows.
>proper fucking box sets for everything
>classic toon block with 30's toons and obscure retro shit
>late night anime block, maybe give subbed programming a try

One passionate multi-millionare could blow everyone the fuck out and start an animation renaissance

That all sounds really cool, but I doubt the audience would justify the cost, and TV is slowly dwindling as a medium anyway.

-Air reruns of the ACTUAL teen titans
-No Canadian cartoons EVER
-Let on new shows made by passionate art school stooners like the good old days
-Bring back Fridays
-Bring back showing the end sequence with the CN logo and the characters
-Let that chick who use to announce what shows were coming up next back in the 2004 era come back on

-No more live action shitpiles like the thundermans and that kid gaming company show anymore
-Less commercially shit pandering passionless substanceless vibe
-Stop with the overly enthusiastic promotions, it's annoying and corny
-More Loud house
-More shows by artschool stoners with passion like the good old days

>Disney Channel
-no more commercial corporate ass fluff
-go back to producing woke ass original movies that tackled issues like racism again
-That so raven reboot
-No more laugh track EVER OMG
-Air reruns of philmore
-Air reruns of recesss

>Disney XD
-Just put all your good content on Disney Channel and abandon this channel, srsly what's the point of it?

For CN, drop cal arts bullshit, cancel PPG reboot and TTG

For Nick, end Spongebob, give Modifiers a series

For Disney channel, stop trying to make it a shitty popstar circlejerk, and get some good shows on there

For Disney XD, just end it and send the not shit stuff to Disney Channel, as Disney XD was a mistake

Cancel TTGO, it doesn't seem to matter how many new episodes they have since they keep marathoning them and then airing the same episodes for several hours. I doubt anyone will notice
Give other channels a fair share of air time and new shows a slot where more people will likely see it, to determine whether it's actual worth it instead of just killing out of the bag

Cancel Spongebob, that's never gonna get any better and they have enough episodes to rerun for a lifetime
Be like old CN and experiment with new shows instead of tossing them aside for cheap bullshit

>Disney Channel
Go back to animation again, less tween show shit

>Disney XD
Basic Cable, no reason to shove all your cartoons to a channel almost no one has
Bring in more foreign cartoons, like france, UK, and japan
More action cartoons too

People like cartoons man, bring good (or hell, mediocre) shows and they will come (see mlp, steven universe, etc)

As for the future of TV, you might be more right there, maybe a streaming service with a live streaming function that acts like normal TV and then the back catalog of previously aired content?

I really don't think a passionate Cartoon focused network could fail in this kind of climate, every age level loves cartoons now.

Cartoon Network.
>more shows
>bring back less shows, but if they do please put effort into it
>stop them from making Gumball the next simpsons, end it on season 6 when ben leaves, can season 7
>kill TTG and PPG'16
>burn off the rest of SU and then end it
>better and fixated timeslots
>make boomerang go back to old boomerang, airing shows before 2006 + airing older gumball like they do now
>much less marathons

>>burn off the rest of SU and then end it



-Reduce the amount of air time TTG has (or completely remove it,
-Get more new cartoons on
-No more reboots
-Play various amounts of movies from different studios during the weekend (Sat & Sun)
-Try to make Fridays important again

-Spongebob is done, end it after the third movie and make no new episodes (got so many episodes to re-run)
-End FOP
-More new cartoons
-Work on the live action shows to make them better
-Have different old shows have reruns during the week.

-Like above, make the live action shows better
-Don't shove all animations onto XD
-More new cartoons
-Play some older shows on the weekends

-Get a bunch of shows from different countries and dub them
-Have the more action oriented shows (both past and present) have a bigger focus
-No live action shows

we may not agree on what cartoons are the best and which ones are shit but its mostly the same consensus for everyone here and i find that to be good basic standards that the companies should adopt along with creating a proper movement toward online streaming capabilities for all there shows.

>along with creating a proper movement toward online streaming capabilities for all there shows.
This. How many of these shows are pretty much near unwatchable in full, thanks to the fact that they were not released on streaming or home media in full, or only watchable through reruns, or even worse, just lost in time forever? There's a lot of Disney Saturday morning shows that are just almost completely lost thanks to this bullshit, same with a couple Cartoon Network (We all know how good they are with DVD releases) and Nick (They've started to figure it out, but a couple shows like Drake and Josh and Ned's declassified aren't on DVD in full to my knowledge, and no I'm not getting iTunes) shows

Just run their schedules from the 90s/early 2000s.

Make Nickelodeon Great Again

Get rid of all non-animated bullshit.

Give all shows fair schedules.

That's it. Fixed.

Never make Star Vs Cal Arts 3/4 profiles of evil

Disney channel, actually commit to their fucking shows instead of intentionally sabotaging them by dicking with their schedule so the ratings bomb. Also allow creators to have gay characters if they want because I'm a humongous faggot.

>drop cal arts bullshit
There's that buzzword