Why do I hate her, Sup Forums?

Why do I hate her, Sup Forums?

I've read Watchmen more than once, and I find Laurie the most repulsive character in it. But I can't figure out why. Looked at logically, she's probably the least-awful character in the book. Yet I detest her by the time I'm done reading.


Have you confused the comic with the movie? Stop thinking about the movie.

I found her to be the most relatable, despite being a guy. She mirrors Manhattan in that she's been letting others take control of and define her life. Men, in her case. Authority figures in Jon's.

think about some other characters you hate from popular Sup Forums media and look for similarities

I can already guess and I'm sure it won't be much of a mystery for you either

>I've read Watchmen more than once
I feel like this is a sure sign that you haven't, and you're just trying to get credibility.

I didn't used to. Then she turned into a giant hypocritical bitch for some reason.

You hate her because she's a woman.

I've always found her to be really annoying myself. Not by any means the most morally reprehensible character in the book but the most annoying, easily. I swear, half the time she's bitching about something. Not to mention in the grand scheme of things, she probably has the least amount of influence on the plot. She's there mostly to shed light on different aspects of Dr. Manhattan's and the Comedian's personalities and to be a love interest to Nite Owl.

It's because she doesn't measure up to the situation she's in. She's weak, yet she feels she should be treated as an authority.

No, it's because her entire character is based around weakness. Who wants to accept that?

>OP you hate her because woman
>I dislike her for "reasons"

>arguing with women on the internet

Fuck, that might be it.

She and Dan are both sort of like that, but at least Dan is self-aware about it to a degree. Ozy, Rorschach, and Manhattan aren't. They're all three almost inhuman, but as a consequence they sort of lack human weakness.

Maybe it's because she doesn't actually engage the other characters philosophically like some other characters. She's more passive and unlike other characters she was groomed to be a superhero since childhood, but isn't really into it. I didn't dislike her, but I didn't find her interesting either. Same with nite owl.
It's not that long.

I'm not even a woman, bro.

Everyone's a girl on the Internet.

Good thing I didn't even imply I was female.

You're a woman trapped in a man's body, and it's obvious by the way you type. Transition or grow up.

She's just a normie who resents the bullshit she's been surrounded with her whole life, she's fine. I'm going to guess that's OP's problem too, that she's just a normie who doesn't appreciate the amazing cartoon world she lives in, makes her a bit of an unrelatable wet blanket if you're someone who likes comics, probably doesn't help that she's not just a normie but an attractive 20-something female normie with some feminist aspirations, 90% of the people who post on Sup Forums are naturally inclined to dislike someone with those traits

You hate women?

Yeah, it has nothing to do with her being poorly written and basically a negative element in a story. She's a literary foil and those naturally draw ire.

Can I be a sexy shemale?

This is Sup Forums... So yes, that is acceptable. Godspeed.
>Just don't forget to post pics on the appropriate board.

Would you suck my feminine cock?

No. Try /lbgt/, /soc/, or Sup Forums.

you're sexist

did everybody in this thread skip the ninth issue or something

I find it hard to hate her as she's just too bland to have outwardly hateable qualities.

Because you know she'd never fuck you

My thoughts exactly. It's like everyone here never read Chapter Nine. Guys, Silk Spectre II is critical to the plot and thesis of Watchmen.

Dan was self-aware but I always found him to be more of a door mat than Laurie but yeah by far the two least interesting characters (and the ones who got the happiest ending).

I guess with Dan I liked his interactions with Rorschach and kind of how Rorschach in his own autistic way valued their friendship although the comic didn't really explored much of it (and it's understandable since it wasn't that important to the plot).

The movie went more in depth into it tho, Rorschach following Dan to his house because he was keeping an eye on him, Rorschach being more resentful of Dan quitting the hero business, being bitchy about Laurie being the reason he went back to being Nite, keeping Dan from going postal after he finds out about Hollis Mason's death, Dan doing small things like fixing Rorschach's coat during the Crimebusters meeting, Dan witnessing Rorschach's death and going ballistic on Adrian, felt more like a friendship.

Also agree, I don't see it getting as much notice in conversation in places like Sup Forums as how badly they fucked up on Veidt say but the fact that she was such a nothing character in the movie was probably the single biggest reason it felt so empty compared to the source material

>Silk Spectre II's dad is The Comedian
>Silk Spectre II is the product of rape.
>Starting hitting on her own father when she first met him in person
>Dates naked God
>Begins affair with beta cuck in an owl fetish costume.
>Mom hates that her daughter is a costumed hero because it's a constant reminder of the night she was raped.
>Child of rape is at the center of this batshit insane event, and Doctor Manhattan is trying to show humans they're special, and have so much potential if only they would cut the petty crap.
>Silk Spectre II is the embodiment of the potential for humans to recognize how special their normalcy really is.

Silk Spectre II is not the result of rape, the comedian tried to rape Silk Spectre but he was stopped by one of the minutemen (the gay masked one IIRC) but then Spectre went and had consensual sex with him later.

>Silk Spectre II is not the result of rape
How do you know that? It's true that the Hooded Justice did stop the rape and it is implied that the Comedian is her father, and Sally's reactions pretty much give it away, but it's never explicitly stated

Because you're a yank and you suffer from the madonna/whore complex and have a complicated relationship with women in general.

That'll be 500 bucks please.

Pic unrelated

So you haven't read it I see.
She's not a product of rape.
Her mother doesn't hate her carreer as a superhero, in fact she is the one who pushed her into it.

Yes, that uniquely American artifact of American culture, the Madonna-whore dichotomy, just like apple pie and hotdogs

Just pointing at a general cultural trait.
Sorry to have triggered you.

Because Sally is an attention whore. Also it's been a while since I read Watchmen but I remember it not being "heavily implied" tier but "we're gonna make it as clear as we can without actually speaking out loud" tier.

>looks like this guy has issues with women!
>isn't that just like those daft bloody seppos cor blimey mate innit?

I'm not triggered, I'm making fun of you for saying something stupid

So triggered.

Dude she fucked Dan; she's exactly the chubby chaser the shut ins arond here need.

She's not any worse than the rest of the staked tomatoes that pass for characters in Watchmen.