Is Bill Nye the science guy finished? He did an AMA on reddit to shill his new show and even they hated him

Is Bill Nye the science guy finished? He did an AMA on reddit to shill his new show and even they hated him.

lost a debate to a creationist lol

Well now im curious.

what will be the most important scientific advancement in the next 10 years?

nanomachines son

robot waifus

genetic engineering

it's hard to win a debate against a creationist in burgerland because every shitty answer given results in burgers clapping loudly

impeachment of blumpft

How would you know unless you’re a filthy redditor????


crispr applications or Nuclear Fusion


I don't even get what he was trying to say

Better batteries for cars, drones etc.
Maybe better holograms

seems like he answered the dorks question.
>Don't know

was that a bot pretending to be nye?

Probably battery-tech related.

+Better boner pills.

No it's a human pretending to be a scientist

the 2016 Trumplet reddit migration is eventually going to put the final nail in the coffin for this place, isn't it? bill nye being a fucking moron notwithstanding

Electronic old men.

too late. not even a year and a half ago posting a screencap from plebbit got your ass annihilated but now no one cares. just accept it

JOI waifu for everyone

advanced batteries
synthetic biology

>just accept it

>even reddit hates this guy
How badly do you have to fuck up?

a cure for tinnitus


Carry on.

>what is your opinion?
>Don't know

He doesn't know what his opinion is?

this is the power of redditors huh wow

>sing a song for me REEEEEEEEEE

By not having one.

why does an old white man talk like a passive aggressive teenager?

ACT - augmented cognition technology

Already has many applications addressing disability (e.g. controlling wheelchairs for paraplegics). Has universal application in theory.

Imagine being able to double your working memory capacity - you're now a God among men. Widen/enhance sensory perception, and so on. Basically Deus Ex. We're very 10-20 years, give or take.

Disclaimer. I work in this field.

the taste of 5̶ ̶ 6 GUM

Cure for cancer
Figuring out what dark matter is

robot gfs that will finally make every user know how it fels to be loved

I don't get the answer.

>It will be an advancement, yes?


designer babies, the politically correct way to make sure niggers die out in one generation

he's liberal, everything they say has to be mysteriously ironic or sarcastic

>Designer Babies
>Everyone makes different color babies with caucasian features
>Negroid features die out in a couple of centuries

I’m all up for it, give me them black chicks with white features and blue/green eyes.

FTL travel

wtf I love bill nye now

Can't wait for Sup Forums contrarians to start liking them and call him based

Renewable energy
Cure for cancer

>Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering

these and VR combined

this will lead to the collapse of society as we know it

think about the millions of people already hooked on porn

when virtual reality + sex bots become accessible to the common man, everything will collapse

Finding a way to double the sugar in Coca-Cola without changing its texture.

>you are turning it into a nightmare
lol fucking triggered

>go to the ama
>these 2 and a couple of other answers are the only ones that are massively downvoted and have that tone
wow it's fucking nothing

Szechwan sauce

Because it probably isn't him. AMAs have been ghost-written in the past.


>bunch of loser liberals demanding he do it
>nye is being a condescending asshole (as usual)
>he doesnt want to so they just downvote him for it
what an absolute cesspit reddit is

I don't get how that makes it a cesspit.

I dislike Billy Nye but jesus christ redditors are such colossal faggots.

>fun and learning
>sing this shitty jingle the Jew producers wrote for you

Damn he's embarrassing. He didn't even understand the question and went on a tirade how theme songs are made.

Jesus, he's going to regret that AMA for a long time. They should've given him a chaperone, someone behind his back telling him what to write. Like his mom.

2020 - the bot from Her
2030 - humanoid bot slaves
2090 - VR isn't shit

whatever this is

Literally already happening

I think it's pretty safe to say that Bill Nye is /ourguy/

Whoa. Whoa. Where the fuck did I call him "based?" Shut the fuck up Reddit faggot. Bill Nye and his Reddit fans can die in a fire.

>literally being this retarded

You need to go back


>That ended last year.

>reddit reddit reddit

You have to go back

Shut the fuck up, you halfwited cock gobbler.


>never fell for the edgelord hate mob over his netflix show in the first place
>now apparently a contrarian because of it

Lifelike AI
Trust me, AI is making a ton of progress unlike other hi-tech shit.

What is there to sing? The theme song is just "BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL...".

To be fair, how is he supposed to know? the scientific advancements haven't happened yet.

if you think that show had any redeeming qualities whatsoever you're either retarded or indeed a conrarian. the sjw shit aside it was a terrible format, it was aimed at no target audience in particular, the panels lacked any sort of meaningful discussion and overall it had very little to do with science. fuck outta here

don't care for the guy, but I wouldn't sing a song for some fat manchildren either

blacked streaming service

This, based bill

I hope so, user

people just want to hear his opinions

post more screenshots

Did you just quote a bunch of randoms? None of these posts are defending him you utter troglodyte.

The possibilities are endless, why don't you see if you can invent it?

t. old Bill

If he did an AMA here what would we ask him?


was it autism?

robot boifus

We'd ask him to show us his bagina.

what a smug smarmy cunt

Rape drones
Or sex bot hacking

spoiler: climate change is really happening

Me: "I hate bill nye. He's not a real scientist
You: "fuck off christfag, technical engineering is a scientific diploma!"

Me: "I still hate bill nye"
You: "me too! Stupid egotistical fuck! You know he's not a real scientist?"

How time changed the simple mind.


redditors are hilarious but they don't even know it and that's what makes them hilarious

virtual reality simulation
alternate reality

Why are you directing this at me I didn't do anything


Why did that get downvoted? He basically said "I don't have ONE favorite, but here's some of my favorites...".


well duh the climate has always been changing

>if things were any other way, things would be different

That can't be real. Does he really know that little about science?