Which group did the unrealistic DUDE COMING OF AGE LMAO dynamic better?

Which group did the unrealistic DUDE COMING OF AGE LMAO dynamic better?

Top, I don’t have reasons to back up why or anything, I just liked the kids in It better. Fight me.

god what an obnoxious group of cunts in the second image


>>they swear, they act like actual kids, they seem like they're real friends

the kids from stranger things look like they come from disney channel

IT by far.
Eddie and Richie make the movie.

Pic related is the best DUDE COMING OF AGE LMAO of all time. Also, check em

Also Sophia > Millie

shit and shit

>”sunken in a river” Phoenix

Why is Will such a pathetic manlet?

Stranger Things did it better because the kids are more fleshed out. The black kid in It joined the group towards the end of the movie, which harmed his character development. Jewish kid didn't even have a reason to exist. All I can remember is that he likes to take care of his bike.

All those amerimutts

Because Stan dies early on as an adult, there wasn't much reason to develop him

the IT group feels like it has a more natural dynamic. Stranger Things S2 is such an unfocused mess that it's left a bad taste in my mouth regarding the group, but objectively it doesn't feel as organic.

Easily the GOAT.

>member Ghostbusters?!
>member D&D?!
>member arcades?!
More like Reddit Things

Amerimutt thread?

what is this show? every kid is super ugly


Imagine the fucking schnoz on Finn when he grows up. Second coming of Adrien Brody

Leave coming of age to me!

This is brilliant, butcher boy is good too.


Stranger Things is nostalgia bait and that's fine

Top actually act like kids their age.

I never realized Richie and Mike were played by the same actor, that kid is a great actor

This. It is a two hour movie about seven kids, and it doesn't do a very good job at giving them character development or exploring their relationship; the kids have great chemistry, but that's not a substitute for character development. The movie kind of just introduces everyone, shows them meeting, and tells you they're all best friends.

Stranger Things is mostly about 4 kids (we still barely know Will or Max), and we've had two full seasons to get to know them.

I'll be surprised if anyone except the left one will grow into looking not ugly as fuck

No sweetie IT actually did character development better than Stranger Things

I just want to hug based froggo all through the night until sunrise!

T. under 20 guy with a friendless, boring, sheltered childhood

Ali Michael? Stay away from Finn

The black kid in It got about as much character development in 2 hours as the black kid in Stranger Things got in 17.

Whatever happens to him as an adult is irrelevant, but he isn't an adult in It (2017).

Jesus Christ at least the nog in IT didn't look like a fucking retarded lemur

Holy fuck
these 2 are the same person


he's basically the baby of the group. he only turned 13 last month.

I'm just saying, people would feel cheated if a really developed character dies in the first minute of the second film


even the fat kid is more good looking than anyone in strangor thangs

The new ones are just shallow imitators

literally this kid

>the kid in IT is also the best kid in Stranger Things
It all makes sense now

How did I forget this existed? What a great film.
Also Marie is CUTE

They lucked out on this one
He was actually cast in Funkunaga's IT before he was cast in Stranger Things, then he was cast by Andy Muschietti again without knowing he was in previous version


Millie is an Anglomutt tho.
Stranger Things is super overrated.Reason why this show is liked is because of the pop culture references and "muh 80's nostalgia".
Regardless of being the dullest franchise,pic related had the best coming of age cast.Not only did they have great chemistry,went on for 10 years and had great behind the scenes stories.


Well the second group didn't do that. And your post makes you sound like an imbecile.

The school castle setting is top comfy

based froggo.

What is Will's actor trying to communicate with this pose?
He did say he was a spy remember.

>Can I be your Jack Grazer, Finn?

Lucas is 16, Dustin is 15, Mike is 14, Will is 13.
I hope Lucas has another growth spurt in him. Or it's going to be awkward next season when Max is taller than him. That is, if they're still together after the inevitable time skip.

Mike is gonna be a chad playing a highschool nerd at this rate

holy fuck the black kid is so fucking ugly

>Millie is an Anglomutt tho.

She's literally the most normal looking person out of the group.

Why does the group on the bottom look like they could all be girls?

Which one has the better token black kid?


watched this for the first time last night. Holy shit, there's a reason it's hyped so much.

She looks like a 40 year old drag queen


The top is written more for men. The bottom is written more for Tumblr.


taking this as an excuse to post this meme i found

nice meme

The one that had a chick boys would actually want to kiss. Unless you had the mind of a desperate adult you wouldn't want anything to do with Max or 11.

nerd, dead, molested, fat


Time to reread it user... my mental health isn't ready.

>It's blood 'cause she projects her fears towards menstruation and growing up with a certain lack of feminity.


Does Lord of the Flies count? They're making a new movie based on it too.

thank you