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what the fuck
thats some true detective shit right there
Here's the link. Daily Mail has it too, but it's Daily Mail
So women really don't have any agency. Huh
whats the issue here?
How is this Hollywood
It's Fucking cable
best time to be on Sup Forums?
sounds hot
This only gets me hype for True Detective season 3
the board coming to be completley overrun with celebrity gossip, best time?
and its not even legit, its all partial hangout bullshit.
Am I the only sane human left? Is civilization just a lie?
yeah really. I only get my news from Daily Mail, The Sun, and Weekly World News
>You will never be a sex slave to a b-list actresd
>cult operates by having women take naked selfies as "collateral" so it has leverage over them in case they ever want to act against the cult
>the fappening shows all these actresses who you'd think would be extra motivated NOT to take nude selfies since they're under so much scrutiny all still do so
really makes one ponder if this is the only cult like that
fucking actors
she is getting sex slaves for her master, not her. Only The Leader gets to fuck Chloe
I never really thought about that. But come to think about it I'd be very surprised if it was the only one. I mean shit there's already scientology which somehow managed to recruit A list actors.
reminder scientology operates similarly where they have people who sign up go through "auditing" where you talk about all your problems while an "e-meter" device measures how your ayy lmao soul reacts to it or whatever
which results in them keeping a file on you talking about how you're a closeted gay or cheating on your wife or whatever for the rest of your life so you better never talk shit about scientology and keep handing over money tom
Considering sciencetology biggest stars are Cruise and Travolta. Probably the gay version.
prepare your loose anus for disappointment, rebecca.
All this shit is making me wonder what it really takes to become a famous actor/actress and if all the money and fame in the world is enough to join the elites if it means you have to go through sketchy shit like this to get casted and be given a chance.
>Before Nxivm, he helped run a company called Consumers’ Buyline Inc., which offered discounts to members on groceries and other products.
>In the mid-1990s, several state attorneys general investigated it as a suspected pyramid scheme; Mr. Raniere and his associates agreed to shut it down.
>But she still must allegedly obey leader Raniere and is also ordered to find bed partners for him, run 40 miles a week and keep a strict diet to stay as skinny as possible.
>made a pyramid scheme in the 1990s to make money
>made a pyramid scheme sex cult in the 2010s to make cummies
So this wasn't just copy pasta a few months back
>starve themselves for 12 hours a day
AKA anal sex prep
nothing to see here folks
must be convenient for women to say this when they're not into it anymore because people will believe them
Season 3: Kansas sex cults in the corn fields, with lovecraftian undertones.
So when do the naked pictures leak?
Was Smallvile good? I never watched it.
Whores just want to cash out
do you the crest 20 min whitening strips or the 30's?
lmao this is just getting more and more retarded
Roasties trying to one up themselves in victim competition
>my rapist was a satan!
She recruits, trains and brands them with her initials.
Or escape. Honestly considering how dumb Hollywood women are it's entirely possible to them to get recruited and set up in one of these cults. They don't know how much shit they are really into until they are already set in their lifestyle and by then it's too late because they have so much dirt on you that you cannot afford to leave.
Or they could all be lying, I don't know. But this is what we said about the first 20 or so women raped by Cosby. Then the next 20 happened. Then the next 14
It isn't fair. I'm so lonely why can't a sex cult full of hot girls abduct me?
Chloe a good girl
lmao this
*sexually enslaves you*
>I love work. It's like I never left home!
do i get to smell her?
how can i join?
So if it's consensual, what's the problem ? Admit that the shit sounds pretty hot actually.
>brainwashed into abusing other women
>harrassed and constistently getting roles and posing with their harrasser
Women want the same privileges as men but they don't want the responsability that comes with it. No man will pretend he was brainwashed into recruiting sex slaves
>for her old lonely male master
Yeah no.
Ugh, poor people. Why are British Leftists such Commie scrubbers?
Vanguard did nothing wrong.
It could as simple as recruiting women BEFORE any of the sex shit goes down. Then once it does you were a co-conspirator even though you thought the program was good and not part of some cult.
Where is this at?
>Starve themselves for 12 hours a day
the horror.
I think it may be one of the boroughs in London
>that bottom left corner
>halal meat
>African food
>fat subhumans
God damn, where is this shithole?
Similar but not the same symbol. Still looks like some cult shit though
>halal meat
>black people everywhere
good ol london
>she still must allegedly obey leader Raniere, run 40 miles a week and keep a strict diet to stay as skinny as possible.
L-like a SPORTS COACH !?
How does this cult make money?
Is this a prostitution ring?
Alright then so its confirmed. We're in the dark timeline and we're all probably fucked.
But the sun is the brownest shit that ever came out of a """journalist""" asshole.
Literally a tabloid.
>British people
>stay with us or we'll tell people you're gay
>what? no, people don't already know... they're bluffing, ignore them, only we know
It's the Chinese symbol for tree. That building probably used to house a Chinese restaurant or something.
>We're in the dark timeline and we're all probably fucked.
You and I are very different people
I'm not familiar with the tabloid newspapers in britain, only in america my bad. Still, the cult exists, allison's involvement could just be tabloid gossip though.
>mods were such huge fags they literally set the last thread to autoprune
what the fuck makes you the sane one?
>It's the Chinese symbol for tree
It clearly isn't
I hope they're able to see through this, that's such bullshit.
So she was brainwashed into being an abuser herself? It'd be one thing if she was a brainwashed slave, then I'd understand her being victimized but this is disgusting.
Not to mention that if she was, isn't it convenient she snaps out of it the second the story breaks? Fucking put her in jail.
>hasn't seen the only true comic kino TV show
Remember when these Hollywood scumbags were preaching to us about morality and politics?
I just love getting preached at by community filled pedophiles, rapists, drug addicts, cult members and the mentally ill.
i never thought cults like these were real because who the fuck would be stupid enough to sign up for that shit?
seriously, where are all these hot women eager to sign up for sex cults? wtf?? how does this shit even work, what could they possibly offer anyone to join that?
>the secret world of ally mack
Britain, look at the roads
>who the fuck would be stupid enough to sign up for that shit?
she's had a dead career since Wildred ended.
Some D level actress with mental issues is hardly new
many people feel lost and are desperate to belong to a community, particularly if they are naturally social and don't want to shut themselves off to play vidya all day
and how the fuck do i get in on this action?
>Weinstein Casting Couch
>Spacey fiddlin little Boys
>So does Bryan Singer
>Hollywood a secret sex cult
oh wee what a surprise, who would have thought that
if clark just gave chloe the d she would be fine right now
just like my doujins
lets start one
>i never thought cults like these were real
For your sake I hope you never end up going down the rabbit hole
how the FUCK do I get into a sex cult with female celebrities
Don't know about you but that's scary as shit. That's some Jim Jones meets Thulsa Doom shit. Better get the feds involved while they're still warm.
Here's a bit of a spoiler warning for you chaps
The New York Times of all people were the ones to open the floodgates for this. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot politically by exposing their allies?
Because all this stuff coming out culminates with Epstein, which links to Drumpf
Only fatties think you can starve after 12 hours
It's all so big that they can not normally hide it. Or it is internal disassembly and demonstrative execution of the guilty.
>The sisterhood would comprise circles, each led by a “master” who would recruit six “slaves,” according to two women. In time, they would recruit slaves of their own.
wait a minute
So the fapping was an inside job after all
>Allison really was conflicted about finding women for Raniere to bed. She really wanted to be with him and would get very jealous of the women.
Literal cuck queen. One of us.
woahhh pizzagate is so fake haha. Stupid drumpftards, nobody with power rapes and takes advantage of people with less power lmao, especially not young people. Stupid right wing retards