Car accident

>car accident
how long until he has to aplogize?


dont get it


>it's real

based reynolds

>that dhopinder

More like non-stop bike accident.

>black lady
no wonder nobody gave a fuck

i refuse to see this shitfest since their forcing in diversity to get rid of whites which is beyond effen racist.

people on cocaine are only funny to other people who are on cocaine

Hello white man, how many white children do you have?

>paying to see jewish hollywood films in the first place

im just talking about domino, they coulda had xmen diversity crossovers, but changing characters races changes their tone and the jews thinking their more creative than the people who made the comic series to even have a movie is beyond insulting to say the least showing their jewish privilege.

Ryan Reynolds is Reddit Ryan, Ryan Gosling is /ourguy/

wait who is the pajeet and the mutt?

>use stuntwoman as diversity stunt
>she dies

Loo boi is taxi driver, Sinead O'connor wannabe is Negasonic Teenage Warhead

i meant mutt by who i have now found out is domino
could they not have had a mixed xmen or someone else? what is up with changing the look of a character completely?
they tried to cast as accurate a cable they could, whats wrong with keeping consistency in casting standards?

We need to petition for more black stuntwomen

also why have they brought the taxi driver back? was he that much of a fan favourite they couldnt make the movie without him

what does this have to do with his tweet though?

Someone call it in.

>beyond effen racist

idk why this did it for me but i fucking hate you