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youre a big goi
Cant wait!
Use your words instead of being a mimicking robot, man-child. What's your issue with this TV show for 16 year olds?
*rubs head*
I applaud your attempt at prompting discussion
I'm just bummed he's getting the Netflix treatment. I also liked him more as a background character like in Daredevil. Second favorite comic hero, always will be.
little boy shoulders
Marvel are a joke
Ey Rick, le'mask you summin
>the jewisher
>turning your most imposing antihero into a jewfro manlet
A film could happen if the show does well. It'd be an MCU movie, unfortunately.
>h-he looks i-italian
Sadly, memes have damaged their brains and ruined their already limited communication skills.
Frank Grillo would have been pretty good as the Punisher.
Original stuff. You must be real funny at school.
>the punisher
>being this skinny
If it's R and has very little to do with the overall MCU plot I'd probably be happy.
I hope there's an adaptation of when his druggy neighbor gets his face piercings ripped out and Frank goes postal. That whole series is chock full of Frank showing some kind of compassion for junkies and prostitutes.
Your in luck the charecters barley mention the mcu in the show and occasionally say
"That one time" to mention what happened in New York every once in a blue moon.
Garth Enis is Irish for punisher comic kino
Do they really? I always assumed the Marvel Netflix stuff was its own universe.
It basically is they occasionally acknowledge something happened in New York but it's quite rare.
There is one episode in Jesica jones where that couple try to kill here because they think she's related to thenavangers and that's about as bad as it gets
Ignore these typos I guesss I just had a massive anyurjism
It's all part of the MCU. Even that Agents of Shield show is canon.
the goyisher
*emits downs syndrome grunt*
Of course they got a kike for the only wop in comics.
>Steve Lightfoot is a British television writer and producer who worked as an executive producer and writer on the critically acclaimed NBC thriller Hannibal and will act as showrunner for the upcoming Netflix series Marvel's The Punisher in 2017.
Sounds good to me
Can’t stand this meme actor
>inb4 some fag claims he is the best part of daredevil
Best part of Daredevil was Foggy’s titty waifu
I hated him in Walking Dead, but not a bad pick for Frank. Sure there are better options, but he's fine for a Netflix series.
Why would anyone be interested in Punisher? He's one dimensional character who wants to kill mobs because of dead family. There's no depth to him.
>I always assumed the Marvel Netflix stuff was its own universe.
Marvel has always been really wishy-washy with how they treat the TV shows, but for the most part they do their own thing.
In the first episode of dare devil when he's looking for his apartment the agent mentions "The incident" meaning the invasion of NY in the avengers, but that's as far as it ever goes, and at this point I think officially none of the tv shows are "cannon" anymore.
It doesn't really matter because either way they're self contained universes from eachother (Netflix/ABC/Marvel Films) for all intents and purposes. You don't need to watch Thor 2 to understand whats happening in Jessica Jones.
>There's no depth to him.
There's doesn't need to be. He's Violence McMurdergunz, a vigilante with a flimsy pretext to blow away scumbags.
I mean Charles Bronson didn't have any depth in the death wish movies, but I'll still watched the fucking shit out of all of them because he's pure atavistic catharsis. Like most superheroes, it's a power fantasy.
It's not about Frank himself, it's about the good vigilante stories that have been told using Punisher as a protagonist.
I understand the appeal but he's too boring as a character to make series, he could work as a side story.
>good vigilante stories
Basically different villains and different methods?
>Basically different villains and different methods?
A lot of good Punisher stories are one offs, but there have been recurring villains and runs by writers like Garth Ennis that are really solid.
Most super "heroes" are faggots that let thousands of people die because they're too pussy to kill the villains. Punisher is the real hero.
You're probably a Brit.
Punisher is anti-hero, not hero. Just because he blows stuff that doesnt make him that interesting to make series.
Why do you retards not understand just by looking at the picture? His head is too big for his body and the emblem looks fake.
Read MAX comics Garth Enis did. Frank is more than just a killer and it shines through every now and then. Aside from that it's just him being a badass and it's fun.
Why do edgy superheros keep getting symbols that take up their entire chest? It doesn't look good.
Not a jewfro
You'll get a new Punisher movie. Don't worry, capeshit is here to stay, and what's next for the MCU is predictable in that Disney WILL buy Fox. Expect capeshit until 2030, it's the new western.
>emblem looks fake
What does that even mean? It's a costume that he made
hey jigsaw, m'ask you summin
Capeshit existed since the 20's with Zorro. I bet you didn't even know about it before Spider-Man. Idiot.
We'll never ever get a Larosa tier Frank. It's not happening.
Finally, it makes me laugh seeing grown men talk about capeshit seriously. It's a fucking series for little boys you fucking idiots. We really need a separate board for these capeshit memefags.
>He's one dimensional character
That's why well written characters are what works best around him, The Slavers arc for example.
Not the best one anyway.
with regards, the idiot
>vegas and texas shooting happen
>marvel releases a show about a columbine hero
there's two different niggers. one nigger for marvel tv and one for marvel movies
movie nigger doesn't give a shit about tv and doesn't want to worry about the tv's story.
sure they might be 'canon' but they will never be on screen together
>anti-hero, not hero
Marxists don’t believe in heroes. They don’t believe in heroism. They had to make up weasel words like “anti-hero”, satire, parody, ironic, deconstruction, etc to describe Rorschach from Watchmen, the Judge Dredd the comics and Starship Troopers. Heroes are strong, fearless, determined and have the force of will to get their hands bloody to do what needs to be done. They are the complete opposite of everything that marxists stand for.
And you marxists know it. This is what an unironic "hero" looks like to you.
>Marxists don’t believe in heroes
Really, because I'm pretty sure they had statues to Lenin in the USSR
Marxist "heroes" are mass murdering villains. Thanks for proving my point.
Is everyone supposed to pretend they didn't just watch you move those goalpost?
>M'ask you sumthin Red, you eva meet the Big Green Guy? Personally the one with the shield was my idol growing up, but now there so many freaks like the witch or that robot, what's up with that?!
He's the best part of Daredevil only because the rest is already pretty garbage.
>not just enjoying a story of a one man army tearing through criminal scum
Your dad in prison or something? Who doesn't enjoy a vigilante story?!
Riverdale-Netflix Punisher crossover when?!
>Heroes are strong, fearless, determined and have the force of will to get their hands bloody to do what needs to be done.
Hero wants to achieve the same goal as anti-hero but the latter uses more brutal methods.
Best Punisher comic stories?
All of the Punisher MAX comics except the ones Dillon worked on.
>except the ones Dillon worked on.
What's wrong with them?
I [inaudible whispering]...
Garbage art and IMO the writing is worse too. Every male character has Frank Castles face.
Pic related
Everything by Garth Ennis.
Already adapted in the 2004 movie.
>simple jack hairstyle
The writing was good, fans just don't like it because it had a realistic take on Frank's psychology, that a man capable of successfully devoting every fibre of his being to murdering as many criminals as possible probably isn't going to be very mentally fit to be a family man.
That's a funny way to spell Slavers.
I don't like he looks, he looks too Jewish and nothing like the character from the comics, also his outfit looks goofy too. pic related looked way better.
I know he is supposed to be SIcilian, but he doesn't really look like it in the comics. also some Jews and Sicilian may be similar, but when I look at this actor all I see is a Jew, he doesn't look Italian at all.
>anti-hero but the latter uses more brutal methods
So the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on Saturday morning TV are heroes. But real heroes like Audie Murphy are "anti-heroes" because they kill. Real life heroes are never rated PG.
i FUCKING loved this movie. fuck you. i don't care. war zone was EPIC, cocksuckers.
It was like the more cartoony Punisher stories. I enjoyed it.
All it was missing was the knife gun.
I would literally murder you all if that meant I could watch the Frank Show today tbҺ fαm.
>haha le epik
It was unintentionally funny, if anything. McNutty hamming it up was kinda fun.
>this faggy
okay how much does a police man in bongland make? year salary for example
>trick or treat, imma punisher
>hangs from the fucking lighter to kill people in a fance way
no thanks. rather have me some decent punisher stuff that's true to his laconic nature.
I'm talking about LOOKS ONLY faggot.
nice dubs you piece of shit
Frank was never about costumes, he could be wearing a tutu and still be an intimidating mothafucka.
Thank you user
Terry Crews as 'Cuda W H E N ?
he was inhaling from shock at how hyped he is
>"Maskyou sumthin."
god I hate neveldine and taylor. so glad they will never get work again
To them they are "strong, fearless, determined and have the force of will to get their hands bloody to do what needs to be done" Get over yourself fuckwit.
A part of me really wants a Barracuda mini-series just for the sheer fuckery of it.
>the opening song to the series will never be Stevie Wonder's 'I believe'.
It could be so wonderful and hilarious.