>Ridley Scott: one of my actors tried to have sex with someone he met at a party and was rejected, we will replace him digitally because vile monsters like him don't deserve to be on the spotlight, hopefully others will follow my example and erase this despicable creature from history, completely. Please call the guy who permanently blinded an elderly man by hitting him with a stick calling him a "vietnam fucking shit", I need him for reshoots.
how is this fair?
Ridley Scott: one of my actors tried to have sex with someone he met at a party and was rejected...
The Vietnamese man was already blind in one eye when Marky Mark hit him
so? now he is blind in both and marky doesnt regret a thing despite his newfound devoutness to his faith
The Vietnam man has already forgiven him and mark has apologized and served time in jail
Ridley really wants an Oscar this year
So Marky Mark is a rapist?
marky mark is untouchable
sex is worse than violence
Why do you people keep pretending like it was only one accusation of sexual misconduct against him instead of a wave of them, all which seem to collaborate it mot being a one time thing but a decades long practice?
>I didn't blind that guy, he was blind before I viciously attacked him
Yeah, that totally clears everything up.
Well Spacey is a asshole and everyone is happy to dump him, and they will not be doing digital stuff, they are just going to reshoot about 7 days worth of work, color scale it, and cut and paste it in.
>raping someone is the same as being a bully when you're a kid that was born into a family of bullies
every brother of marky's went to jail, at least mark grew up to to defeat those decepticons, saving billions
>served time in jail
Something none of the disgusting faggot pedophiles from (((Hollywood))) have done yet.
They should all be hung by the neck until dead.
The Virgin Pederasty vs. The Chad Hate Crime
You people only defend him because he is white
The media only attacks him because he's white.
wat show